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mirror of https://code.mensbeam.com/MensBeam/Arsse.git synced 2024-12-22 13:12:41 +00:00

Add changelog parsing to packaging task

This commit is contained in:
J. King 2021-05-20 23:38:03 -04:00
parent 073f6b3c39
commit 16174f11b6
2 changed files with 144 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Bug fixes:
Version 0.6.1 (2019-01-23)
Bug Fixes:
Bug fixes:
- Unify SQL timeout settings
- Correctly escape shell command in subprocess service driver
- Correctly allow null time intervals in configuration when appropriate
@ -249,4 +249,5 @@ Bug fixes:
Version 0.1.0 (2017-08-29)
Initial release
New features:
- Initial release

View file

@ -157,34 +157,39 @@ class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
public function package(string $version = null): Result {
// establish which commit to package
$version = $version ?? $this->askDefault("Commit to package:", "HEAD");
$archive = "arsse-$version.tar.gz";
$commit = $version ?? $this->askDefault("Commit to package:", "HEAD");
// start a collection
$t = $this->collectionBuilder();
// create a temporary directory
$dir = $t->tmpDir().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
// create a Git worktree for the selected commit in the temp location
$t->taskExec("git worktree add ".escapeshellarg($dir)." ".escapeshellarg($version))
->completion($this->taskExec("git worktree prune"));
$result = $this->taskExec("git worktree add ".escapeshellarg($dir)." ".escapeshellarg($commit))->run();
if ($result->getExitCode() > 0) {
return $result;
// get useable version strings from Git
$version = trim(`git -C "$dir" describe --tags`);
$archVersion = preg_replace('/^([^-]+)-(\d+)-(\w+)$/', "$1.r$2.$3", $version);
// name the generic release tarball
$tarball = "arsse-$version.tar.gz";
// generate the Debian changelog; this also validates our original changelog
$debianChangelog = changelogDebian(changelogParse(file_get_contents($dir."CHANGELOG"), $version), $version);
// save commit description to VERSION file for use by packaging
// save the Debian changelog
// patch the Arch PKGBUILD file with the correct version string
$t->addCode(function () use ($dir) {
$ver = trim(preg_replace('/^([^-]+)-(\d+)-(\w+)$/', "$1.r$2.$3", `git -C "$dir" describe --tags`));
return $this->taskReplaceInFile($dir."dist/arch/PKGBUILD")->regex('/^pkgver=.*$/m')->to("pkgver=$ver")->run();
// patch the Arch PKGBUILD file with the correct source file
$t->addCode(function () use ($dir, $archive) {
$tar = basename($archive);
return $this->taskReplaceInFile($dir."dist/arch/PKGBUILD")->regex('/^source=\("arsse-[^"]+"\)$/m')->to("source=(\"$tar\")")->run();
// perform Composer installation in the temp location with dev dependencies
// generate the manual
$t->taskExec(escapeshellarg($dir."robo")." manual")->dir($dir);
$t->addTask($this->taskExec(escapeshellarg($dir."robo")." manual")->dir($dir));
// perform Composer installation in the temp location for final output
// delete unwanted files
@ -204,15 +209,19 @@ class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
// generate a sample configuration file
$t->taskExec(escapeshellarg(\PHP_BINARY)." arsse.php conf save-defaults config.defaults.php")->dir($dir);
$t->addTask($this->taskExec(escapeshellarg(\PHP_BINARY)." arsse.php conf save-defaults config.defaults.php")->dir($dir));
// remove any existing archive
// package it all up
$t->taskPack($archive)->addDir("arsse", $dir);
$t->addTask($this->taskPack($tarball)->addDir("arsse", $dir));
// execute the collection
return $t->run();
$result = $t->run();
// remove the Git worktree
$this->taskExec("git worktree prune")->run();
return $result;
/** Packages a release tarball into an Arch package */
@ -276,21 +285,24 @@ class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
return $t->run();
protected function parseChangelog(string $text, string $targetVersion): array {
$baseVersion = preg_replace('/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)*).*/', "$1", $targetVersion);
$lines = preg_split('/[\r\n]+/', trim($text));
public function changelog() {
echo changelogDebian(changelogParse(file_get_contents("CHANGELOG"), "0.9.1-r26"), "0.9.1-r26");
function changelogParse(string $text, string $targetVersion): array {
$lines = preg_split('/\r?\n/', $text);
$version = "";
$section = "";
$out = [];
$l = 0;
$expected = "version";
$entry = [];
$expected = ["version"];
for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($lines);) {
$l = rtrim($lines[$a++]);
if (in_array($expected, ["version", "section"]) && preg_match('/^Version (\d+(?:\.\d+)*) \(([\d\?]{4}-[\d\?]{2}-[\d\?]{2})\)\s*$/', $l, $m)) {
if (in_array("version", $expected) && preg_match('/^Version (\d+(?:\.\d+)*) \(([\d\?]{4}-[\d\?]{2}-[\d\?]{2})\)\s*$/', $l, $m)) {
$version = $m[1];
if (!preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/', $m[2])) {
// uncertain dates are allowed only for the top version, and only if it does not match the target version (otherwise we have forgot to set the correct date before tagging)
// uncertain dates are allowed only for the top version, and only if it does not match the target version (otherwise we have forgotten to set the correct date before tagging)
if (!$out && $targetVersion !== $version) {
// use today's date; local time is fine
$date = date("Y-m-d");
@ -300,11 +312,92 @@ class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
} else {
$date = $m[2];
$out[$version] = ['date' => $date, 'features' => [], 'fixes' => [], 'changes' => []];
$expected = "separator";
} elseif ($expected === "separator" && $length = strlen($lines[$a - 2]) && preg_match('/^={'.$length.'}$/', $l)) {
// verify that the next line is blank
if ($entry) {
$out[] = $entry;
$entry = ['version' => $version, 'date' => $date, 'features' => [], 'fixes' => [], 'changes' => []];
$expected = ["separator"];
} elseif (in_array("separator", $expected) && preg_match('/^=+/', $l)) {
$length = strlen($lines[$a - 2]);
if (strlen($l) !== $length) {
throw new \Exception("CHANGELOG: Separator at line $a is of incorrect length");
$expected = ["blank line"];
$section = "";
} elseif (in_array("blank line", $expected) && $l === "") {
$expected = [
'' => ["features section", "fixes section", "changes section"],
'features' => ["fixes section", "changes section", "version"],
'fixes' => ["changes section", "version"],
'changes' => ["version"],
$expected[] = "end-of-file";
} elseif (in_array("features section", $expected) && $l === "New features:") {
$section = "features";
$expected = ["item"];
} elseif (in_array("fixes section", $expected) && $l === "Bug fixes:") {
$section = "fixes";
$expected = ["item"];
} elseif (in_array("changes section", $expected) && $l === "Changes:") {
$section = "changes";
$expected = ["item"];
} elseif (in_array("item", $expected) && preg_match('/^- (\w.*)$/', $l, $m)) {
$entry[$section][] = $m[1];
$expected = ["item", "continuation", "blank line"];
} elseif (in_array("continuation", $expected) && preg_match('/^ (\w.*)$/', $l, $m)) {
$last = sizeof($entry[$section]) - 1;
$entry[$section][$last] .= "\n".$m[1];
} else {
if (sizeof($expected) > 1) {
throw new \Exception("CHANGELOG: Expected one of [".implode(", ", $expected)."] at line $a");
} else {
throw new \Exception("CHANGELOG: Expected ".$expected[0]." at line $a");
if (!in_array("end-of-file", $expected)) {
if (sizeof($expected) > 1) {
throw new \Exception("CHANGELOG: Expected one of [".implode(", ", $expected)."] at end of file");
} else {
throw new \Exception("CHANGELOG: Expected ".$expected[0]." at end of file");
$out[] = $entry;
return $out;
function changelogDebian(array $log, string $targetVersion): string {
$latest = $log[0]['version'];
$baseVersion = preg_replace('/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)*).*/', "$1", $targetVersion);
if ($baseVersion !== $targetVersion && version_compare($latest, $baseVersion, ">")) {
// if the changelog contains an entry for a future version, change its version number to match the target version instead of using the future version
$log[0]['version'] = $targetVersion;
} else {
// otherwise synthesize a changelog entry for the changes since the last tag
array_unshift($log, ['version' => $targetVersion, 'date' => date("Y-m-d"), 'features' => [], 'fixes' => [], 'changes' => ["Unspecified changes"]]);
$out = "";
foreach ($log as $entry) {
$out .= "arsse (".$entry['version']."-1) unstable; urgency=low\n";
if ($entry['features']) {
$out .= "\n [ New features ]\n";
foreach ($entry['features'] as $item) {
$out .= " * ".trim(preg_replace("/^/m", " ", $item))."\n";
if ($entry['fixes']) {
$out .= "\n [ Bug fixes ]\n";
foreach ($entry['fixes'] as $item) {
$out .= " * ".trim(preg_replace("/^/m", " ", $item))."\n";
if ($entry['changes']) {
$out .= "\n [ Other changes ]\n";
foreach ($entry['changes'] as $item) {
$out .= " * ".trim(preg_replace("/^/m", " ", $item))."\n";
$out .= "\n -- The Arsse team <no-contact@invalid> ".\DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat("Y-m-d", $entry['date'], new \DateTimeZone("UTC"))->format("D, d M Y")." 00:00:00 +0000\n\n";
return $out;