2017-03-30 03:41:05 +00:00
< ? php
declare ( strict_types = 1 );
2017-03-31 17:24:00 +00:00
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\Database ;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Data ;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\User\Driver as UserDriver ;
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use Phake ;
2017-03-31 17:24:00 +00:00
trait SeriesUser {
2017-06-18 16:48:29 +00:00
protected $data = [
'arsse_users' => [
'columns' => [
'id' => 'str' ,
'password' => 'str' ,
'name' => 'str' ,
'rights' => 'int' ,
2017-06-18 16:24:19 +00:00
2017-06-18 16:48:29 +00:00
'rows' => [
[ " admin@example.net " , '$2y$10$PbcG2ZR3Z8TuPzM7aHTF8.v61dtCjzjK78gdZJcp4UePE8T9jEgBW' , " Hard Lip Herbert " , UserDriver :: RIGHTS_GLOBAL_ADMIN ], // password is hash of "secret"
[ " jane.doe@example.com " , " " , " Jane Doe " , UserDriver :: RIGHTS_NONE ],
[ " john.doe@example.com " , " " , " John Doe " , UserDriver :: RIGHTS_NONE ],
2017-03-30 03:41:05 +00:00
function testCheckThatAUserExists () {
$this -> assertTrue ( Data :: $db -> userExists ( " jane.doe@example.com " ));
$this -> assertFalse ( Data :: $db -> userExists ( " jane.doe@example.org " ));
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( " jane.doe@example.com " , " userExists " );
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( " jane.doe@example.org " , " userExists " );
$this -> compareExpectations ( $this -> data );
function testCheckThatAUserExistsWithoutAuthority () {
Phake :: when ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize -> thenReturn ( false );
$this -> assertException ( " notAuthorized " , " User " , " ExceptionAuthz " );
Data :: $db -> userExists ( " jane.doe@example.com " );
function testGetAPassword () {
$hash = Data :: $db -> userPasswordGet ( " admin@example.net " );
$this -> assertSame ( '$2y$10$PbcG2ZR3Z8TuPzM7aHTF8.v61dtCjzjK78gdZJcp4UePE8T9jEgBW' , $hash );
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( " admin@example.net " , " userPasswordGet " );
$this -> assertTrue ( password_verify ( " secret " , $hash ));
function testGetAPasswordWithoutAuthority () {
Phake :: when ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize -> thenReturn ( false );
$this -> assertException ( " notAuthorized " , " User " , " ExceptionAuthz " );
Data :: $db -> userPasswordGet ( " admin@example.net " );
function testAddANewUser () {
$this -> assertSame ( " " , Data :: $db -> userAdd ( " john.doe@example.org " , " " ));
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( " john.doe@example.org " , " userAdd " );
$state = $this -> primeExpectations ( $this -> data , [ 'arsse_users' => [ 'id' , 'name' , 'rights' ]]);
2017-03-31 17:24:00 +00:00
$state [ 'arsse_users' ][ 'rows' ][] = [ " john.doe@example.org " , null , UserDriver :: RIGHTS_NONE ];
2017-03-30 03:41:05 +00:00
$this -> compareExpectations ( $state );
* @ depends testGetAPassword
* @ depends testAddANewUser
function testAddANewUserWithARandomPassword () {
$user1 = " john.doe@example.org " ;
$user2 = " john.doe@example.net " ;
$pass1 = Data :: $db -> userAdd ( $user1 );
$pass2 = Data :: $db -> userAdd ( $user2 );
$this -> assertSame ( Data :: $conf -> userTempPasswordLength , strlen ( $pass1 ));
$this -> assertSame ( Data :: $conf -> userTempPasswordLength , strlen ( $pass2 ));
$this -> assertNotEquals ( $pass1 , $pass2 );
$hash1 = Data :: $db -> userPasswordGet ( $user1 );
$hash2 = Data :: $db -> userPasswordGet ( $user2 );
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( $user1 , " userAdd " );
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( $user2 , " userAdd " );
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( $user1 , " userPasswordGet " );
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( $user2 , " userPasswordGet " );
$this -> assertTrue ( password_verify ( $pass1 , $hash1 ), " Failed verifying password of $user1 ' $pass1 ' against hash ' $hash1 '. " );
$this -> assertTrue ( password_verify ( $pass2 , $hash2 ), " Failed verifying password of $user2 ' $pass2 ' against hash ' $hash2 '. " );
function testAddAnExistingUser () {
$this -> assertException ( " alreadyExists " , " User " );
Data :: $db -> userAdd ( " john.doe@example.com " , " " );
function testAddANewUserWithoutAuthority () {
Phake :: when ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize -> thenReturn ( false );
$this -> assertException ( " notAuthorized " , " User " , " ExceptionAuthz " );
Data :: $db -> userAdd ( " john.doe@example.org " , " " );
function testRemoveAUser () {
$this -> assertTrue ( Data :: $db -> userRemove ( " admin@example.net " ));
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( " admin@example.net " , " userRemove " );
$state = $this -> primeExpectations ( $this -> data , [ 'arsse_users' => [ 'id' ]]);
array_shift ( $state [ 'arsse_users' ][ 'rows' ]);
$this -> compareExpectations ( $state );
function testRemoveAMissingUser () {
$this -> assertException ( " doesNotExist " , " User " );
Data :: $db -> userRemove ( " john.doe@example.org " );
function testRemoveAUserWithoutAuthority () {
Phake :: when ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize -> thenReturn ( false );
$this -> assertException ( " notAuthorized " , " User " , " ExceptionAuthz " );
Data :: $db -> userRemove ( " admin@example.net " );
function testListAllUsers () {
$users = [ " admin@example.net " , " jane.doe@example.com " , " john.doe@example.com " ];
$this -> assertSame ( $users , Data :: $db -> userList ());
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( " " , " userList " );
function testListUsersOnADomain () {
$users = [ " jane.doe@example.com " , " john.doe@example.com " ];
$this -> assertSame ( $users , Data :: $db -> userList ( " example.com " ));
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( " @example.com " , " userList " );
function testListAllUsersWithoutAuthority () {
Phake :: when ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize -> thenReturn ( false );
$this -> assertException ( " notAuthorized " , " User " , " ExceptionAuthz " );
Data :: $db -> userList ();
function testListUsersOnADomainWithoutAuthority () {
Phake :: when ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize -> thenReturn ( false );
$this -> assertException ( " notAuthorized " , " User " , " ExceptionAuthz " );
Data :: $db -> userList ( " example.com " );
* @ depends testGetAPassword
function testSetAPassword () {
$user = " john.doe@example.com " ;
$this -> assertEquals ( " " , Data :: $db -> userPasswordGet ( $user ));
$pass = Data :: $db -> userPasswordSet ( $user , " secret " );
$hash = Data :: $db -> userPasswordGet ( $user );
$this -> assertNotEquals ( " " , $hash );
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( $user , " userPasswordSet " );
$this -> assertTrue ( password_verify ( $pass , $hash ), " Failed verifying password of $user ' $pass ' against hash ' $hash '. " );
function testSetThePasswordOfAMissingUser () {
$this -> assertException ( " doesNotExist " , " User " );
Data :: $db -> userPasswordSet ( " john.doe@example.org " , " secret " );
function testSetAPasswordWithoutAuthority () {
Phake :: when ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize -> thenReturn ( false );
$this -> assertException ( " notAuthorized " , " User " , " ExceptionAuthz " );
Data :: $db -> userPasswordSet ( " john.doe@example.com " , " secret " );
function testGetUserProperties () {
$exp = [
'name' => 'Hard Lip Herbert' ,
2017-03-31 17:24:00 +00:00
'rights' => UserDriver :: RIGHTS_GLOBAL_ADMIN ,
2017-03-30 03:41:05 +00:00
$props = Data :: $db -> userPropertiesGet ( " admin@example.net " );
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( " admin@example.net " , " userPropertiesGet " );
$this -> assertArraySubset ( $exp , $props );
$this -> assertArrayNotHasKey ( " password " , $props );
function testGetThePropertiesOfAMissingUser () {
$this -> assertException ( " doesNotExist " , " User " );
Data :: $db -> userPropertiesGet ( " john.doe@example.org " );
function testGetUserPropertiesWithoutAuthority () {
Phake :: when ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize -> thenReturn ( false );
$this -> assertException ( " notAuthorized " , " User " , " ExceptionAuthz " );
Data :: $db -> userPropertiesGet ( " john.doe@example.com " );
function testSetUserProperties () {
$try = [
'name' => 'James Kirk' , // only this should actually change
'password' => '000destruct0' ,
2017-03-31 17:24:00 +00:00
'rights' => UserDriver :: RIGHTS_NONE ,
2017-03-30 03:41:05 +00:00
'lifeform' => 'tribble' ,
$exp = [
'name' => 'James Kirk' ,
2017-03-31 17:24:00 +00:00
'rights' => UserDriver :: RIGHTS_GLOBAL_ADMIN ,
2017-03-30 03:41:05 +00:00
$props = Data :: $db -> userPropertiesSet ( " admin@example.net " , $try );
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( " admin@example.net " , " userPropertiesSet " );
$this -> assertArraySubset ( $exp , $props );
$this -> assertArrayNotHasKey ( " password " , $props );
$state = $this -> primeExpectations ( $this -> data , [ 'arsse_users' => [ 'id' , 'password' , 'name' , 'rights' ]]);
$state [ 'arsse_users' ][ 'rows' ][ 0 ][ 2 ] = " James Kirk " ;
$this -> compareExpectations ( $state );
function testSetThePropertiesOfAMissingUser () {
$try = [ 'name' => 'John Doe' ];
$this -> assertException ( " doesNotExist " , " User " );
Data :: $db -> userPropertiesSet ( " john.doe@example.org " , $try );
function testSetUserPropertiesWithoutAuthority () {
$try = [ 'name' => 'John Doe' ];
Phake :: when ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize -> thenReturn ( false );
$this -> assertException ( " notAuthorized " , " User " , " ExceptionAuthz " );
Data :: $db -> userPropertiesSet ( " john.doe@example.com " , $try );
function testGetUserRights () {
$user1 = " john.doe@example.com " ;
$user2 = " admin@example.net " ;
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$this -> assertSame ( UserDriver :: RIGHTS_NONE , Data :: $db -> userRightsGet ( $user1 ));
$this -> assertSame ( UserDriver :: RIGHTS_GLOBAL_ADMIN , Data :: $db -> userRightsGet ( $user2 ));
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Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( $user1 , " userRightsGet " );
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( $user2 , " userRightsGet " );
function testGetTheRightsOfAMissingUser () {
2017-03-31 17:24:00 +00:00
$this -> assertSame ( UserDriver :: RIGHTS_NONE , Data :: $db -> userRightsGet ( " john.doe@example.org " ));
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Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( " john.doe@example.org " , " userRightsGet " );
function testGetUserRightsWithoutAuthority () {
Phake :: when ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize -> thenReturn ( false );
$this -> assertException ( " notAuthorized " , " User " , " ExceptionAuthz " );
Data :: $db -> userRightsGet ( " john.doe@example.com " );
function testSetUserRights () {
$user = " john.doe@example.com " ;
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$rights = UserDriver :: RIGHTS_GLOBAL_ADMIN ;
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$this -> assertTrue ( Data :: $db -> userRightsSet ( $user , $rights ));
Phake :: verify ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize ( $user , " userRightsSet " , $rights );
$state = $this -> primeExpectations ( $this -> data , [ 'arsse_users' => [ 'id' , 'rights' ]]);
$state [ 'arsse_users' ][ 'rows' ][ 2 ][ 1 ] = $rights ;
$this -> compareExpectations ( $state );
function testSetTheRightsOfAMissingUser () {
2017-03-31 17:24:00 +00:00
$rights = UserDriver :: RIGHTS_GLOBAL_ADMIN ;
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$this -> assertException ( " doesNotExist " , " User " );
Data :: $db -> userRightsSet ( " john.doe@example.org " , $rights );
function testSetUserRightsWithoutAuthority () {
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$rights = UserDriver :: RIGHTS_GLOBAL_ADMIN ;
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Phake :: when ( Data :: $user ) -> authorize -> thenReturn ( false );
$this -> assertException ( " notAuthorized " , " User " , " ExceptionAuthz " );
Data :: $db -> userRightsSet ( " john.doe@example.com " , $rights );