2016-09-30 01:58:09 +00:00
< ? php
declare ( strict_types = 1 );
namespace JKingWeb\NewsSync ;
2017-02-08 21:53:02 +00:00
use \Webmozart\Glob\Glob ;
2016-09-30 01:58:09 +00:00
class Lang {
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
const DEFAULT = " en " ;
const REQUIRED = [
'Exception.JKingWeb/NewsSync/Exception.uncoded' => 'The specified exception symbol {0} has no code specified in Exception.php' ,
'Exception.JKingWeb/NewsSync/Exception.unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred' ,
'Exception.JKingWeb/NewsSync/Lang/Exception.defaultFileMissing' => 'Default language file "{0}" missing' ,
'Exception.JKingWeb/NewsSync/Lang/Exception.fileMissing' => 'Language file "{0}" is not available' ,
'Exception.JKingWeb/NewsSync/Lang/Exception.fileUnreadable' => 'Insufficient permissions to read language file "{0}"' ,
'Exception.JKingWeb/NewsSync/Lang/Exception.fileCorrupt' => 'Language file "{0}" is corrupt or does not conform to expected format' ,
'Exception.JKingWeb/NewsSync/Lang/Exception.stringMissing' => 'Message string "{msgID}" missing from all loaded language files ({fileList})' ,
'Exception.JKingWeb/NewsSync/Lang/Exception.stringInvalid' => 'Message string "{msgID}" is not a valid ICU message string (language files loaded: {fileList})' ,
2016-09-30 01:58:09 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
static public $path = BASE . " locale " . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ;
static protected $requirementsMet = false ;
static protected $synched = false ;
static protected $wanted = self :: DEFAULT ;
static protected $locale = " " ;
static protected $loaded = [];
static protected $strings = self :: REQUIRED ;
2016-09-30 01:58:09 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
protected function __construct () {}
2016-09-30 01:58:09 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
static public function set ( string $locale , bool $immediate = false ) : string {
if ( ! self :: $requirementsMet ) self :: checkRequirements ();
if ( $locale == self :: $wanted ) return $locale ;
if ( $locale != " " ) {
$list = self :: listFiles ();
if ( ! in_array ( self :: DEFAULT , $list )) throw new Lang\Exception ( " defaultFileMissing " , self :: DEFAULT );
self :: $wanted = self :: match ( $locale , $list );
} else {
self :: $wanted = " " ;
self :: $synched = false ;
if ( $immediate ) self :: load ();
return self :: $wanted ;
2016-09-30 01:58:09 +00:00
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static public function get () : string {
return ( self :: $locale == " " ) ? self :: DEFAULT : self :: $locale ;
2016-09-30 01:58:09 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
static public function dump () : array {
return self :: $strings ;
2017-02-09 21:39:13 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
static public function msg ( string $msgID , $vars = null ) : string {
// if we're trying to load the system default language and it fails, we have a chicken and egg problem, so we catch the exception and load no language file instead
if ( ! self :: $synched ) try { self :: load ();} catch ( Lang\Exception $e ) {
if ( self :: $wanted == self :: DEFAULT ) {
self :: set ( " " , true );
} else {
throw $e ;
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $msgID , self :: $strings )) throw new Lang\Exception ( " stringMissing " , [ 'msgID' => $msgID , 'fileList' => implode ( " , " , self :: $loaded )]);
// variables fed to MessageFormatter must be contained in array
$msg = self :: $strings [ $msgID ];
if ( $vars === null ) {
return $msg ;
} else if ( ! is_array ( $vars )) {
$vars = [ $vars ];
$msg = \MessageFormatter :: formatMessage ( self :: $locale , $msg , $vars );
if ( $msg === false ) throw new Lang\Exception ( " stringInvalid " , [ 'msgID' => $msgID , 'fileList' => implode ( " , " , self :: $loaded )]);
return $msg ;
2016-09-30 01:58:09 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
static public function list ( string $locale = " " ) : array {
$out = [];
$files = self :: listFiles ();
foreach ( $files as $tag ) {
$out [ $tag ] = \Locale :: getDisplayName ( $tag , ( $locale == " " ) ? $tag : $locale );
return $out ;
2016-09-30 01:58:09 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
static public function match ( string $locale , array $list = null ) : string {
if ( $list === null ) $list = self :: listFiles ();
$default = ( self :: $locale == " " ) ? self :: DEFAULT : self :: $locale ;
return \Locale :: lookup ( $list , $locale , true , $default );
2016-09-30 01:58:09 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
static protected function checkRequirements () : bool {
if ( ! extension_loaded ( " intl " )) throw new ExceptionFatal ( " The \" Intl \" extension is required, but not loaded " );
self :: $requirementsMet = true ;
return true ;
2016-09-30 01:58:09 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
static protected function listFiles () : array {
$out = glob ( self :: $path . " *.php " );
// built-in glob doesn't work with vfsStream (and this other glob doesn't seem to work with Windows paths), so we try both
if ( empty ( $out )) $out = Glob :: glob ( self :: $path . " *.php " );
$out = array_map ( function ( $file ) {
$file = str_replace ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , " / " , $file );
$file = substr ( $file , strrpos ( $file , " / " ) + 1 );
return strtolower ( substr ( $file , 0 , strrpos ( $file , " . " )));
}, $out );
natsort ( $out );
return $out ;
static protected function load () : bool {
if ( ! self :: $requirementsMet ) self :: checkRequirements ();
// if we've requested no locale (""), just load the fallback strings and return
if ( self :: $wanted == " " ) {
self :: $strings = self :: REQUIRED ;
self :: $locale = self :: $wanted ;
self :: $synched = true ;
return true ;
// decompose the requested locale from specific to general, building a list of files to load
$tags = \Locale :: parseLocale ( self :: $wanted );
$files = [];
while ( sizeof ( $tags ) > 0 ) {
$files [] = strtolower ( \Locale :: composeLocale ( $tags ));
$tag = array_pop ( $tags );
// include the default locale as the base if the most general locale requested is not the default
if ( $tag != self :: DEFAULT ) $files [] = self :: DEFAULT ;
// save the list of files to be loaded for later reference
$loaded = $files ;
// reduce the list of files to be loaded to the minimum necessary (e.g. if we go from "fr" to "fr_ca", we don't need to load "fr" or "en")
$files = [];
foreach ( $loaded as $file ) {
if ( $file == self :: $locale ) break ;
$files [] = $file ;
// if we need to load all files, start with the fallback strings
$strings = [];
if ( $files == $loaded ) {
$strings [] = self :: REQUIRED ;
} else {
// otherwise start with the strings we already have if we're going from e.g. "fr" to "fr_ca"
$strings [] = self :: $strings ;
// read files in reverse order
$files = array_reverse ( $files );
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
if ( ! file_exists ( self :: $path . " $file .php " )) throw new Lang\Exception ( " fileMissing " , $file );
if ( ! is_readable ( self :: $path . " $file .php " )) throw new Lang\Exception ( " fileUnreadable " , $file );
try {
ob_start ();
$arr = ( include self :: $path . " $file .php " );
} catch ( \Throwable $e ) {
$arr = null ;
} finally {
ob_end_clean ();
if ( ! is_array ( $arr )) throw new Lang\Exception ( " fileCorrupt " , $file );
$strings [] = $arr ;
// apply the results and return
self :: $strings = call_user_func_array ( " array_replace_recursive " , $strings );
self :: $loaded = $loaded ;
self :: $locale = self :: $wanted ;
return true ;
2016-09-30 01:58:09 +00:00