2020-11-01 01:26:11 +00:00
< ? php
/** @ license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J . King , Dustin Wilson et al .
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
declare ( strict_types = 1 );
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Miniflux ;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse ;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Service ;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Context\Context ;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\ValueInfo ;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\AbstractException ;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\ExceptionInput ;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception as FeedException ;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\HTTP ;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Exception ;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Exception404 ;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Exception405 ;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface ;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface ;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse as Response ;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\EmptyResponse ;
class V1 extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\AbstractHandler {
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protected const ACCEPTED_TYPES_OPML = [ " text/xml " , " application/xml " , " text/x-opml " ];
protected const ACCEPTED_TYPES_JSON = [ " application/json " , " text/json " ];
2020-11-01 01:26:11 +00:00
protected $paths = [
'/categories' => [ 'GET' => " getCategories " , 'POST' => " createCategory " ],
'/categories/1' => [ 'PUT' => " updateCategory " , 'DELETE' => " deleteCategory " ],
'/discover' => [ 'POST' => " discoverSubscriptions " ],
'/entries' => [ 'GET' => " getEntries " , 'PUT' => " updateEntries " ],
'/entries/1' => [ 'GET' => " getEntry " ],
'/entries/1/bookmark' => [ 'PUT' => " toggleEntryBookmark " ],
'/export' => [ 'GET' => " opmlExport " ],
'/feeds' => [ 'GET' => " getFeeds " , 'POST' => " createFeed " ],
'/feeds/1' => [ 'GET' => " getFeed " , 'PUT' => " updateFeed " , 'DELETE' => " removeFeed " ],
'/feeds/1/entries/1' => [ 'GET' => " getFeedEntry " ],
'/feeds/1/entries' => [ 'GET' => " getFeedEntries " ],
'/feeds/1/icon' => [ 'GET' => " getFeedIcon " ],
'/feeds/1/refresh' => [ 'PUT' => " refreshFeed " ],
'/feeds/refresh' => [ 'PUT' => " refreshAllFeeds " ],
'/healthcheck' => [ 'GET' => " healthCheck " ],
'/import' => [ 'POST' => " opmlImport " ],
'/me' => [ 'GET' => " getCurrentUser " ],
'/users' => [ 'GET' => " getUsers " , 'POST' => " createUser " ],
'/users/1' => [ 'GET' => " getUser " , 'PUT' => " updateUser " , 'DELETE' => " deleteUser " ],
'/users/*' => [ 'GET' => " getUser " ],
'/version' => [ 'GET' => " getVersion " ],
public function __construct () {
public function dispatch ( ServerRequestInterface $req ) : ResponseInterface {
// try to authenticate
if ( $req -> getAttribute ( " authenticated " , false )) {
Arsse :: $user -> id = $req -> getAttribute ( " authenticatedUser " );
} else {
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// TODO: Handle X-Auth-Token authentication
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return new EmptyResponse ( 401 );
// get the request path only; this is assumed to already be normalized
$target = parse_url ( $req -> getRequestTarget ())[ 'path' ] ? ? " " ;
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$method = $req -> getMethod ();
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// handle HTTP OPTIONS requests
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if ( $method === " OPTIONS " ) {
2020-11-01 01:26:11 +00:00
return $this -> handleHTTPOptions ( $target );
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$func = $this -> chooseCall ( $target , $method );
if ( $func === " opmlImport " ) {
if ( ! HTTP :: matchType ( $req , " " , ... [ self :: ACCEPTED_TYPES_OPML ])) {
return new EmptyResponse ( 415 , [ 'Accept' => implode ( " , " , self :: ACCEPTED_TYPES_OPML )]);
$data = ( string ) $req -> getBody ();
} elseif ( $method === " POST " || $method === " PUT " ) {
if ( ! HTTP :: matchType ( $req , " " , ... [ self :: ACCEPTED_TYPES_JSON ])) {
return new EmptyResponse ( 415 , [ 'Accept' => implode ( " , " , self :: ACCEPTED_TYPES_JSON )]);
$data = @ json_decode ( $data , true );
if ( json_last_error () !== \JSON_ERROR_NONE ) {
// if the body could not be parsed as JSON, return "400 Bad Request"
return new EmptyResponse ( 400 );
} else {
$data = null ;
try {
$path = explode ( " / " , ltrim ( $target , " / " ));
return $this -> $func ( $path , $req -> getQueryParams (), $data );
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
// if there was a REST exception return 400
return new EmptyResponse ( 400 );
} catch ( AbstractException $e ) {
// if there was any other Arsse exception return 500
return new EmptyResponse ( 500 );
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
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protected function normalizePathIds ( string $url ) : string {
$path = explode ( " / " , $url );
// any path components which are database IDs (integers greater than zero) should be replaced with "1", for easier comparison (we don't care about the specific ID)
for ( $a = 0 ; $a < sizeof ( $path ); $a ++ ) {
if ( ValueInfo :: id ( $path [ $a ])) {
$path [ $a ] = " 1 " ;
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// handle special case "Get User By User Name", which can have any non-numeric string, non-empty as the last component
if ( sizeof ( $path ) === 3 && $path [ 0 ] === " " && $path [ 1 ] === " users " && ! preg_match ( " /^(?: \ d+)? $ / " , $path [ 2 ])) {
$path [ 2 ] = " * " ;
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return implode ( " / " , $path );
protected function handleHTTPOptions ( string $url ) : ResponseInterface {
// normalize the URL path: change any IDs to 1 for easier comparison
$url = $this -> normalizePathIDs ( $url );
if ( isset ( $this -> paths [ $url ])) {
// if the path is supported, respond with the allowed methods and other metadata
$allowed = array_keys ( $this -> paths [ $url ]);
// if GET is allowed, so is HEAD
if ( in_array ( " GET " , $allowed )) {
array_unshift ( $allowed , " HEAD " );
return new EmptyResponse ( 204 , [
'Allow' => implode ( " , " , $allowed ),
2020-11-02 00:09:17 +00:00
'Accept' => implode ( " , " , $url === " /import " ? self :: ACCEPTED_TYPES_OPML : self :: ACCEPTED_TYPES_JSON ),
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} else {
// if the path is not supported, return 404
return new EmptyResponse ( 404 );
protected function chooseCall ( string $url , string $method ) : string {
// // normalize the URL path: change any IDs to 1 for easier comparison
$url = $this -> normalizePathIds ( $url );
// normalize the HTTP method to uppercase
$method = strtoupper ( $method );
// we now evaluate the supplied URL against every supported path for the selected scope
// the URL is evaluated as an array so as to avoid decoded escapes turning invalid URLs into valid ones
if ( isset ( $this -> paths [ $url ])) {
// if the path is supported, make sure the method is allowed
if ( isset ( $this -> paths [ $url ][ $method ])) {
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// if it is allowed, return the object method to run, assuming the method exists
if ( method_exists ( $this , $this -> paths [ $url ][ $method ])) {
return $this -> paths [ $url ][ $method ];
} else {
throw new Exception501 (); // @codeCoverageIgnore
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} else {
// otherwise return 405
throw new Exception405 ( implode ( " , " , array_keys ( $this -> paths [ $url ])));
} else {
// if the path is not supported, return 404
throw new Exception404 ();