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2016-10-02 21:07:17 +00:00
2017-03-28 04:12:12 +00:00
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse;
use PasswordGenerator\Generator as PassGen;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\Query;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\Context;
2016-10-02 21:07:17 +00:00
class Database {
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
const FORMAT_TS = "Y-m-d h:i:s";
const FORMAT_DATE = "Y-m-d";
const FORMAT_TIME = "h:i:s";
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
public $db;
protected $dateFormatDefault = "sql";
2017-05-04 00:00:29 +00:00
public function __construct() {
$driver = Data::$conf->dbDriver;
2017-05-04 00:00:29 +00:00
$this->db = new $driver(INSTALL);
$ver = $this->db->schemaVersion();
if(!INSTALL && $ver < self::SCHEMA_VERSION) {
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
2016-10-02 21:07:17 +00:00
protected function caller(): string {
return debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 3)[2]['function'];
public function dateFormatDefault(string $set = null): string {
if(is_null($set)) return $this->dateFormatDefault;
$set = strtolower($set);
if(in_array($set, ["sql", "iso8601", "unix", "http"])) {
$this->dateFormatDefault = $set;
return $this->dateFormatDefault;
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
static public function listDrivers(): array {
$path = __DIR__.$sep."Db".$sep;
$classes = [];
foreach(glob($path."*".$sep."Driver.php") as $file) {
$name = basename(dirname($file));
$class = NS_BASE."Db\\$name\\Driver";
$classes[$class] = $class::driverName();
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
return $classes;
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
public function schemaVersion(): int {
return $this->db->schemaVersion();
public function schemaUpdate(): bool {
if($this->db->schemaVersion() < self::SCHEMA_VERSION) return $this->db->schemaUpdate(self::SCHEMA_VERSION);
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
return false;
protected function generateSet(array $props, array $valid): array {
$out = [
[], // query clause
[], // binding types
[], // binding values
foreach($valid as $prop => $type) {
if(!array_key_exists($prop, $props)) continue;
$out[0][] = "$prop = ?";
$out[1][] = $type;
$out[2][] = $props[$prop];
$out[0] = implode(", ", $out[0]);
return $out;
protected function generateIn(array $values, string $type) {
$out = [
[], // query clause
[], // binding types
// the query clause is just a series of question marks separated by commas
$out[0] = implode(",",array_fill(0,sizeof($values),"?"));
// the binding types are just a repetition of the supplied type
$out[1] = array_fill(0,sizeof($values),$type);
return $out;
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
public function settingGet(string $key) {
return $this->db->prepare("SELECT value from arsse_settings where key is ?", "str")->run($key)->getValue();
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
2016-10-17 20:49:39 +00:00
public function begin(): Db\Transaction {
return $this->db->begin();
public function settingSet(string $key, string $value): bool {
$out = !$this->db->prepare("UPDATE arsse_settings set value = ? where key is ?", "str", "str")->run($value, $key)->changes();
if(!$out) {
$out = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO arsse_settings(key,value)", "str", "str")->run($key, $value)->changes();
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
return (bool) $out;
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
2016-10-17 20:49:39 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
public function settingRemove(string $key): bool {
2017-03-28 04:12:12 +00:00
$this->db->prepare("DELETE from arsse_settings where key is ?", "str")->run($key);
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
return true;
2016-10-17 20:49:39 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
public function userExists(string $user): bool {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
2017-03-28 04:12:12 +00:00
return (bool) $this->db->prepare("SELECT count(*) from arsse_users where id is ?", "str")->run($user)->getValue();
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
public function userAdd(string $user, string $password = null): string {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
if($this->userExists($user)) throw new User\Exception("alreadyExists", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
if($password===null) $password = (new PassGen)->length(Data::$conf->userTempPasswordLength)->get();
$hash = "";
if(strlen($password) > 0) $hash = password_hash($password, \PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
2017-03-28 04:12:12 +00:00
$this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO arsse_users(id,password) values(?,?)", "str", "str")->runArray([$user,$hash]);
return $password;
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
public function userRemove(string $user): bool {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
2017-03-28 04:12:12 +00:00
if($this->db->prepare("DELETE from arsse_users where id is ?", "str")->run($user)->changes() < 1) throw new User\Exception("doesNotExist", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
return true;
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
public function userList(string $domain = null): array {
$out = [];
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
if($domain !== null) {
if(!Data::$user->authorize("@".$domain, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $domain]);
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
$domain = str_replace(["\\","%","_"],["\\\\", "\\%", "\\_"], $domain);
$domain = "%@".$domain;
foreach($this->db->prepare("SELECT id from arsse_users where id like ?", "str")->run($domain) as $user) {
$out[] = $user['id'];
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
} else {
if(!Data::$user->authorize("", __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => "global"]);
foreach($this->db->prepare("SELECT id from arsse_users")->run() as $user) {
$out[] = $user['id'];
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
return $out;
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
public function userPasswordGet(string $user): string {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
if(!$this->userExists($user)) throw new User\Exception("doesNotExist", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
2017-03-28 04:12:12 +00:00
return (string) $this->db->prepare("SELECT password from arsse_users where id is ?", "str")->run($user)->getValue();
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
public function userPasswordSet(string $user, string $password = null): string {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
if(!$this->userExists($user)) throw new User\Exception("doesNotExist", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
if($password===null) $password = (new PassGen)->length(Data::$conf->userTempPasswordLength)->get();
$hash = "";
if(strlen($password) > 0) $hash = password_hash($password, \PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
2017-03-28 04:12:12 +00:00
$this->db->prepare("UPDATE arsse_users set password = ? where id is ?", "str", "str")->run($hash, $user);
return $password;
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
public function userPropertiesGet(string $user): array {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
2017-03-28 04:12:12 +00:00
$prop = $this->db->prepare("SELECT name,rights from arsse_users where id is ?", "str")->run($user)->getRow();
if(!$prop) throw new User\Exception("doesNotExist", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
return $prop;
public function userPropertiesSet(string $user, array $properties): array {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
if(!$this->userExists($user)) throw new User\Exception("doesNotExist", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
$valid = [ // FIXME: add future properties
"name" => "str",
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
list($setClause, $setTypes, $setValues) = $this->generateSet($properties, $valid);
$this->db->prepare("UPDATE arsse_users set $setClause where id is ?", $setTypes, "str")->run($setValues, $user);
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
return $this->userPropertiesGet($user);
2016-11-04 02:54:27 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
public function userRightsGet(string $user): int {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
2017-03-28 04:12:12 +00:00
return (int) $this->db->prepare("SELECT rights from arsse_users where id is ?", "str")->run($user)->getValue();
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
2016-11-04 02:54:27 +00:00
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
public function userRightsSet(string $user, int $rights): bool {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__, $rights)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
if(!$this->userExists($user)) throw new User\Exception("doesNotExist", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
2017-03-28 04:12:12 +00:00
$this->db->prepare("UPDATE arsse_users set rights = ? where id is ?", "int", "str")->run($rights, $user);
2017-02-16 20:29:42 +00:00
return true;
public function folderAdd(string $user, array $data): int {
// If the user isn't authorized to perform this action then throw an exception.
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) {
throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
// if the desired folder name is missing or invalid, throw an exception
2017-03-31 19:27:59 +00:00
if(!array_key_exists("name", $data) || $data['name']=="") {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("missing", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "field" => "name"]);
} else if(!strlen(trim($data['name']))) {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("whitespace", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "field" => "name"]);
// normalize folder's parent, if there is one
$parent = array_key_exists("parent", $data) ? (int) $data['parent'] : 0;
if($parent===0) {
// if no parent is specified, do nothing
$parent = null;
} else {
// if a parent is specified, make sure it exists and belongs to the user; get its root (first-level) folder if it's a nested folder
$p = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id from arsse_folders where owner is ? and id is ?", "str", "int")->run($user, $parent)->getValue();
if(!$p) throw new Db\ExceptionInput("idMissing", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "field" => "parent", 'id' => $parent]);
// check if a folder by the same name already exists, because nulls are wonky in SQL
// FIXME: How should folder name be compared? Should a Unicode normalization be applied before comparison and insertion?
2017-03-28 04:12:12 +00:00
if($this->db->prepare("SELECT count(*) from arsse_folders where owner is ? and parent is ? and name is ?", "str", "int", "str")->run($user, $parent, $data['name'])->getValue() > 0) {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"); // FIXME: There needs to be a practical message here
// actually perform the insert (!)
return $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO arsse_folders(owner,parent,name) values(?,?,?)", "str", "int", "str")->run($user, $parent, $data['name'])->lastId();
public function folderList(string $user, int $parent = null, bool $recursive = true): Db\Result {
// if the user isn't authorized to perform this action then throw an exception.
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) {
throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
// check to make sure the parent exists, if one is specified
if(!is_null($parent)) {
if(!$this->db->prepare("SELECT count(*) from arsse_folders where owner is ? and id is ?", "str", "int")->run($user, $parent)->getValue()) {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("idMissing", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "field" => "parent", 'id' => $parent]);
// if we're not returning a recursive list we can use a simpler query
if(!$recursive) {
return $this->db->prepare("SELECT id,name,parent from arsse_folders where owner is ? and parent is ?", "str", "int")->run($user, $parent);
} else {
return $this->db->prepare(
2017-03-28 04:12:12 +00:00
"WITH RECURSIVE folders(id) as (SELECT id from arsse_folders where owner is ? and parent is ? union select arsse_folders.id from arsse_folders join folders on arsse_folders.parent=folders.id) ".
"SELECT id,name,parent from arsse_folders where id in(SELECT id from folders) order by name",
2017-03-27 12:39:24 +00:00
"str", "int")->run($user, $parent);
2017-03-31 22:48:24 +00:00
public function folderRemove(string $user, int $id): bool {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
$changes = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM arsse_folders where owner is ? and id is ?", "str", "int")->run($user, $id)->changes();
if(!$changes) throw new Db\ExceptionInput("subjectMissing", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "field" => "folder", 'id' => $id]);
return true;
public function folderPropertiesGet(string $user, int $id): array {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
$props = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id,name,parent from arsse_folders where owner is ? and id is ?", "str", "int")->run($user, $id)->getRow();
if(!$props) throw new Db\ExceptionInput("subjectMissing", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "field" => "folder", 'id' => $id]);
return $props;
public function folderPropertiesSet(string $user, int $id, array $data): bool {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
// validate the folder ID and, if specified, the parent to move it to
$parent = null;
if(array_key_exists("parent", $data)) $parent = $data['parent'];
$f = $this->folderValidateId($user, $id, $parent, true);
// if a new name is specified, validate it
if(array_key_exists("name", $data)) {
$data = array_merge($f, $data);
2017-04-09 22:15:00 +00:00
// check to make sure the target folder name/location would not create a duplicate (we must do this check because null is not distinct in SQL)
$existing = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id from arsse_folders where owner is ? and parent is ? and name is ?", "str", "int", "str")->run($user, $data['parent'], $data['name'])->getValue();
if(!is_null($existing) && $existing != $id) {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"); // FIXME: There needs to be a practical message here
$valid = [
'name' => "str",
'parent' => "int",
list($setClause, $setTypes, $setValues) = $this->generateSet($data, $valid);
return (bool) $this->db->prepare("UPDATE arsse_folders set $setClause where owner is ? and id is ?", $setTypes, "str", "int")->run($setValues, $user, $id)->changes();
2017-03-31 22:48:24 +00:00
protected function folderValidateId(string $user, int $id = null, int $parent = null, bool $subject = false): array {
if(is_null($id)) {
// if no ID is specified this is a no-op, unless a parent is specified, which is always a circular dependence
if(!is_null($parent)) {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("circularDependence", ["action" => $this->caller(), "field" => "parent", 'id' => $parent]);
return [name => null, parent => null];
// check whether the folder exists and is owned by the user
$f = $this->db->prepare("SELECT name,parent from arsse_folders where owner is ? and id is ?", "str", "int")->run($user, $id)->getRow();
if(!$f) throw new Db\ExceptionInput($subject ? "subjectMissing" : "idMissing", ["action" => $this->caller(), "field" => "folder", 'id' => $parent]);
// if we're moving a folder to a new parent, check that the parent is valid
if(!is_null($parent)) {
// make sure both that the parent exists, and that the parent is not either the folder itself or one of its children (a circular dependence)
$p = $this->db->prepare(
"WITH RECURSIVE folders(id) as (SELECT id from arsse_folders where owner is ? and id is ? union select arsse_folders.id from arsse_folders join folders on arsse_folders.parent=folders.id) ".
"SELECT id,(id not in (select id from folders)) as valid from arsse_folders where owner is ? and id is ?",
"str", "int", "str", "int"
)->run($user, $id, $user, $parent)->getRow();
if(!$p) {
// if the parent doesn't exist or doesn't below to the user, throw an exception
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("idMissing", ["action" => $this->caller(), "field" => "parent", 'id' => $parent]);
} else {
// if using the desired parent would create a circular dependence, throw a different exception
if(!$p['valid']) throw new Db\ExceptionInput("circularDependence", ["action" => $this->caller(), "field" => "parent", 'id' => $parent]);
return $f;
protected function folderValidateName($name): bool {
$name = (string) $name;
if(!strlen($name)) {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("missing", ["action" => $this->caller(), "field" => "name"]);
} else if(!strlen(trim($name))) {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("whitespace", ["action" => $this->caller(), "field" => "name"]);
} else {
return true;
2017-03-31 22:48:24 +00:00
public function subscriptionAdd(string $user, string $url, string $fetchUser = "", string $fetchPassword = ""): int {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
// check to see if the feed exists
$feedID = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id from arsse_feeds where url is ? and username is ? and password is ?", "str", "str", "str")->run($url, $fetchUser, $fetchPassword)->getValue();
if(is_null($feedID)) {
// if the feed doesn't exist add it to the database; we do this unconditionally so as to lock SQLite databases for as little time as possible
$feedID = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO arsse_feeds(url,username,password) values(?,?,?)', 'str', 'str', 'str')->run($url, $fetchUser, $fetchPassword)->lastId();
try {
// perform an initial update on the newly added feed
$this->feedUpdate($feedID, true);
} catch(\Throwable $e) {
// if the update fails, delete the feed we just added
$this->db->prepare('DELETE from arsse_feeds where id is ?', 'int')->run($feedID);
throw $e;
2017-03-31 22:48:24 +00:00
// Add the feed to the user's subscriptions and return the new subscription's ID.
return $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO arsse_subscriptions(owner,feed) values(?,?)', 'str', 'int')->run($user, $feedID)->lastId();
public function subscriptionList(string $user, int $folder = null, int $id = null): Db\Result {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
// create a complex query
$q = new Query(
DATEFORMAT(?, added) as added,
topmost.top as top_folder,
2017-06-10 17:29:46 +00:00
coalesce(arsse_subscriptions.title, arsse_feeds.title) as title,
(SELECT count(*) from arsse_articles where feed is arsse_subscriptions.feed) - (SELECT count(*) from arsse_marks join user on user is owner join arsse_articles on article = arsse_articles.id where feed is arsse_feeds.id and read is 1) as unread
2017-06-10 17:29:46 +00:00
from arsse_subscriptions
join user on user is owner
join arsse_feeds on feed = arsse_feeds.id
left join topmost on folder=f_id",
"", // where terms
"pinned desc, title" // order by terms
// define common table expressions
$q->setCTE("user(user) as (SELECT ?)", "str", $user); // the subject user; this way we only have to pass it to prepare() once
// topmost folders belonging to the user
$q->setCTE("topmost(f_id,top) as (select id,id from arsse_folders join user on owner is user where parent is null union select id,top from arsse_folders join topmost on parent=f_id)");
if(!is_null($id)) {
// this condition facilitates the implementation of subscriptionPropertiesGet, which would otherwise have to duplicate the complex query; it takes precedence over a specified folder
// if an ID is specified, add a suitable WHERE condition and bindings
$q->setWhere("arsse_subscriptions.id is ?", "int", $id);
} else if(!is_null($folder)) {
// if a folder is specified, make sure it exists
$this->folderValidateId($user, $folder);
// if it does exist, add a common table expression to list it and its children so that we select from the entire subtree
$q->setCTE("folders(folder) as (SELECT ? union select id from arsse_folders join folders on parent is folder)", "int", $folder);
// add a suitable WHERE condition
$q->setWhere("folder in (select folder from folders)");
return $this->db->prepare($q, "str")->run($this->dateFormatDefault);
public function subscriptionRemove(string $user, int $id): bool {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
$changes = $this->db->prepare("DELETE from arsse_subscriptions where owner is ? and id is ?", "str", "int")->run($user, $id)->changes();
if(!$changes) throw new Db\ExceptionInput("subjectMissing", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "field" => "folder", 'id' => $id]);
return true;
public function subscriptionPropertiesGet(string $user, int $id): array {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
// disable authorization checks for the list call
$sub = $this->subscriptionList($user, null, $id)->getRow();
if(!$sub) throw new Db\ExceptionInput("subjectMissing", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "field" => "feed", 'id' => $id]);
return $sub;
public function subscriptionPropertiesSet(string $user, int $id, array $data): bool {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
$tr = $this->db->begin();
if(!$this->db->prepare("SELECT count(*) from arsse_subscriptions where owner is ? and id is ?", "str", "int")->run($user, $id)->getValue()) {
// if the ID doesn't exist or doesn't belong to the user, throw an exception
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("subjectMissing", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "field" => "feed", 'id' => $id]);
if(array_key_exists("folder", $data)) {
// ensure the target folder exists and belong to the user
$this->folderValidateId($user, $data['folder']);
if(array_key_exists("title", $data)) {
// if the title is null, this signals intended use of the default title; otherwise make sure it's not effectively an empty string
if(!is_null($data['title'])) {
$title = (string) $data['title'];
if(!strlen($title)) throw new Db\ExceptionInput("missing", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "field" => "title"]);
if(!strlen(trim($title))) throw new Db\ExceptionInput("whitespace", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "field" => "title"]);
$data['title'] = $title;
$valid = [
'title' => "str",
'folder' => "int",
'order_type' => "strict int",
'pinned' => "strict bool",
list($setClause, $setTypes, $setValues) = $this->generateSet($data, $valid);
$out = (bool) $this->db->prepare("UPDATE arsse_subscriptions set $setClause where owner is ? and id is ?", $setTypes, "str", "int")->run($setValues, $user, $id)->changes();
return $out;
protected function subscriptionValidateId(string $user, int $id): array {
$out = $this->db->prepare("SELECT feed from arsse_subscriptions where id is ? and owner is ?", "int", "str")->run($id, $user)->getRow();
if(!$out) throw new Db\ExceptionInput("idMissing", ["action" => $this->caller(), "field" => "subscription", 'id' => $id]);
return $out;
public function feedListStale(): array {
$feeds = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id from arsse_feeds where next_fetch <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")->run()->getAll();
return array_column($feeds,'id');
public function feedUpdate(int $feedID, bool $throwError = false): bool {
$tr = $this->db->begin();
// check to make sure the feed exists
$f = $this->db->prepare("SELECT url, username, password, DATEFORMAT('http', modified) AS lastmodified, etag, err_count FROM arsse_feeds where id is ?", "int")->run($feedID)->getRow();
if(!$f) throw new Db\ExceptionInput("subjectMissing", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "field" => "feed", 'id' => $feedID]);
// the Feed object throws an exception when there are problems, but that isn't ideal
// here. When an exception is thrown it should update the database with the
// error instead of failing; if other exceptions are thrown, we should simply roll back
2017-04-09 22:15:00 +00:00
try {
$feed = new Feed($feedID, $f['url'], (string)$f['lastmodified'], $f['etag'], $f['username'], $f['password']);
if(!$feed->modified) {
// if the feed hasn't changed, just compute the next fetch time and record it
$this->db->prepare("UPDATE arsse_feeds SET updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, next_fetch = ? WHERE id is ?", 'datetime', 'int')->run($feed->nextFetch, $feedID);
return false;
} catch (Feed\Exception $e) {
// update the database with the resultant error and the next fetch time, incrementing the error count
"UPDATE arsse_feeds SET updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, next_fetch = ?, err_count = err_count + 1, err_msg = ? WHERE id is ?",
'datetime', 'str', 'int'
)->run(Feed::nextFetchOnError($f['err_count']), $e->getMessage(),$feedID);
if($throwError) throw $e;
return false;
//prepare the necessary statements to perform the update
if(sizeof($feed->newItems) || sizeof($feed->changedItems)) {
$qInsertEnclosure = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO arsse_enclosures(article,url,type) values(?,?,?)", 'int', 'str', 'str');
$qInsertCategory = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO arsse_categories(article,name) values(?,?)", 'int', 'str');
$qInsertEdition = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO arsse_editions(article) values(?)", 'int');
if(sizeof($feed->newItems)) {
$qInsertArticle = $this->db->prepare(
"INSERT INTO arsse_articles(url,title,author,published,edited,guid,content,url_title_hash,url_content_hash,title_content_hash,feed) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
'str', 'str', 'str', 'datetime', 'datetime', 'str', 'str', 'str', 'str', 'str', 'int'
if(sizeof($feed->changedItems)) {
$qDeleteEnclosures = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM arsse_enclosures WHERE article is ?", 'int');
$qDeleteCategories = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM arsse_categories WHERE article is ?", 'int');
$qClearReadMarks = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE arsse_marks SET read = 0, modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE article is ? and read is 1", 'int');
$qUpdateArticle = $this->db->prepare(
"UPDATE arsse_articles SET url = ?, title = ?, author = ?, published = ?, edited = ?, modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, guid = ?, content = ?, url_title_hash = ?, url_content_hash = ?, title_content_hash = ? WHERE id is ?",
'str', 'str', 'str', 'datetime', 'datetime', 'str', 'str', 'str', 'str', 'str', 'int'
// actually perform updates
foreach($feed->newItems as $article) {
$articleID = $qInsertArticle->run(
if($article->enclosureUrl) {
foreach($article->categories as $c) {
$qInsertCategory->run($articleID, $c);
foreach($feed->changedItems as $articleID => $article) {
if($article->enclosureUrl) {
foreach($article->categories as $c) {
$qInsertCategory->run($articleID, $c);
2017-03-31 22:48:24 +00:00
// lastly update the feed database itself with updated information.
"UPDATE arsse_feeds SET url = ?, title = ?, favicon = ?, source = ?, updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified = ?, etag = ?, err_count = 0, err_msg = '', next_fetch = ? WHERE id is ?",
'str', 'str', 'str', 'str', 'datetime', 'str', 'datetime', 'int'
return true;
2017-03-31 22:48:24 +00:00
public function feedMatchLatest(int $feedID, int $count): Db\Result {
return $this->db->prepare(
"SELECT id, DATEFORMAT('unix', edited) AS edited_date, guid, url_title_hash, url_content_hash, title_content_hash FROM arsse_articles WHERE feed is ? ORDER BY modified desc, id desc limit ?",
'int', 'int'
)->run($feedID, $count);
public function feedMatchIds(int $feedID, array $ids = [], array $hashesUT = [], array $hashesUC = [], array $hashesTC = []): Db\Result {
// compile SQL IN() clauses and necessary type bindings for the four identifier lists
list($cId, $tId) = $this->generateIn($ids, "str");
list($cHashUT, $tHashUT) = $this->generateIn($hashesUT, "str");
list($cHashUC, $tHashUC) = $this->generateIn($hashesUC, "str");
list($cHashTC, $tHashTC) = $this->generateIn($hashesTC, "str");
// perform the query
return $articles = $this->db->prepare(
"SELECT id, DATEFORMAT('unix', edited) AS edited_date, guid, url_title_hash, url_content_hash, title_content_hash FROM arsse_articles WHERE feed is ? and (guid in($cId) or url_title_hash in($cHashUT) or url_content_hash in($cHashUC) or title_content_hash in($cHashTC))",
'int', $tId, $tHashUT, $tHashUC, $tHashTC
)->run($feedID, $ids, $hashesUT, $hashesUC, $hashesTC);
2017-06-04 12:15:10 +00:00
public function articleStarredCount(string $user, array $context = []): int {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
return $this->db->prepare("SELECT count(*) from arsse_marks where owner is ? and starred is 1", "str")->run($user)->getValue();
public function editionLatest(string $user, Context $context = null): int {
2017-06-04 12:15:10 +00:00
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
if(!$context) $context = new Context;
$q = new Query("SELECT max(arsse_editions.id) from arsse_editions left join arsse_articles on article is arsse_articles.id left join arsse_feeds on arsse_articles.feed is arsse_feeds.id");
if($context->subscription()) {
// if a subscription is specified, make sure it exists
$id = $this->subscriptionValidateId($user, $context->subscription)['feed'];
// a simple WHERE clause is required here
$q->setWhere("arsse_feeds.id is ?", "int", $id);
} else {
$q->setCTE("user(user) as (SELECT ?)", "str", $user);
if($context->folder()) {
// if a folder is specified, make sure it exists
$this->folderValidateId($user, $context->folder);
// if it does exist, add a common table expression to list it and its children so that we select from the entire subtree
$q->setCTE("folders(folder) as (SELECT ? union select id from arsse_folders join folders on parent is folder)", "int", $context->folder);
// add another CTE for the subscriptions within the folder
"feeds(feed) as (SELECT feed from arsse_subscriptions join user on user is owner join folders on arsse_subscription.folder is folders.folder)",
[], // binding types
[], // binding values
"join feeds on arsse_articles.feed is feeds.feed" // join expression
} else {
// if no folder is specified, a single CTE is added
"feeds(feed) as (SELECT feed from arsse_subscriptions join user on user is owner)",
[], // binding types
[], // binding values
"join feeds on arsse_articles.feed is feeds.feed" // join expression
return (int) $this->db->prepare($q)->run()->getValue();
public function articleList(string $user, Context $context = null): Db\Result {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
if(!$context) $context = new Context;
$q = new Query(
2017-06-10 17:29:46 +00:00
DATEFORMAT(?, published) as published,
DATEFORMAT(?, edited) as edited,
2017-06-10 17:29:46 +00:00
coalesce((SELECT modified from arsse_marks join user on user is owner where article is arsse_articles.id),'')
)) as modified,
NOT (SELECT count(*) from arsse_marks join user on user is owner where article is arsse_articles.id and read is 1) as unread,
(SELECT count(*) from arsse_marks join user on user is owner where article is arsse_articles.id and starred is 1) as starred,
(SELECT max(id) from arsse_editions where article is arsse_articles.id) as latestEdition,
url_title_hash||':'||url_content_hash||':'||title_content_hash as fingerprint,
arsse_enclosures.url as media_url,
arsse_enclosures.type as media_type
FROM arsse_articles
join subscribed_feeds on arsse_articles.feed is subscribed_feeds.id
left join arsse_enclosures on arsse_enclosures.article is arsse_articles.id
"", // WHERE clause
"latestEdition".(!$context->reverse ? " desc" : ""), // ORDER BY clause
$q->setCTE("user(user) as (SELECT ?)", "str", $user);
if($context->subscription()) {
// if a subscription is specified, make sure it exists
$id = $this->subscriptionValidateId($user, $context->subscription)['feed'];
// add a basic CTE that will join in only the requested subscription
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id) as (SELECT ?)", "int", $id);
} else if($context->folder()) {
// if a folder is specified, make sure it exists
$this->folderValidateId($user, $context->folder);
// if it does exist, add a common table expression to list it and its children so that we select from the entire subtree
$q->setCTE("folders(folder) as (SELECT ? union select id from arsse_folders join folders on parent is folder)", "int", $context->folder);
// add another CTE for the subscriptions within the folder
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id) as (SELECT feed from arsse_subscriptions join user on user is owner join folders on arsse_subscription.folder is folders.folder)");
} else {
// otherwise add a CTE for all the user's subscriptions
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id) as (SELECT feed from arsse_subscriptions join user on user is owner)");
// filter based on edition offset
if($context->oldestEdition()) {
$q->setWhere("latestEdition >= ?", "int", $context->oldestEdition);
} else if($context->latestEdition()) {
$q->setWhere("latestEdition <= ?", "int", $context->oldestEdition);
// filter based on lastmod time
if($context->modifiedSince()) $q->setWhere("modified >= ?", "datetime", $context->modifiedSince);
// filter for un/read and un/starred status if specified
if($context->unread()) $q->setWhere("unread is ?", "bool", $context->unread);
if($context->starred()) $q->setWhere("starred is ?", "bool", $context->starred);
// perform the query and return results
return $this->db->prepare($q, "str", "str", "str")-run($this->dateFormatDefault, $this->dateFormatDefault, $this->dateFormatDefault);
public function articlePropertiesSet(string $user, array $data, Context $context = null): bool {
if(!Data::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
if(!$context) $context = new Context;
// sanitize input
$valid = [
'read' => "strict bool",
'starred' => "strict bool",
list($setClause, $setTypes, $setValues) = $this->generateSet($data, $valid);
$insValues = [
isset($data['read']) ? $data['read'] : false,
isset($data['starred']) ? $data['starred'] : false,
// the two queries we want to execute to make the requested changes
$queries = [
'body' => "UPDATE arsse_marks set $setClause, modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
'where' => "owner is ? and article in (select id from target_articles and exists is 1)",
'types' => [$setTypes, "str"],
'values' => [$setValues, $user]
'body' => "INSERT INTO arsse_marks(article,owner,read,starred) SELECT id, ?, ?, ? from target_articles",
'where' => "exists is 0",
'types' => ["str", "strict bool", "strict bool"],
'values' => [$user, $insValues]
$out = 0;
// wrap this UPDATE and INSERT together into a transaction
$tr = $this->begin();
// execute each query in sequence
foreach($queries as $query) {
// first build the query which will select the target articles; we will later turn this into a CTE for the actual query that manipulates the articles
$q = new Query(
arsse_articles.id as id,
max(arsse_editions.id) as latestEdition
(select count(*) from arsse_marks join user on user is owner where article is arsse_articles.id) as exists
FROM arsse_articles
join subscribed_feeds on feed is subscribed_feeds.id
join arsse_editions on arsse_articles.id is arsse_editions.article
$q->setCTE("user(user) as (SELECT ?)", "str", $user);
if($context->subscription()) {
// if a subscription is specified, make sure it exists
$id = $this->subscriptionValidateId($user, $context->subscription)['feed'];
// add a basic CTE that will join in only the requested subscription
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id) as (SELECT ?)", "int", $id);
} else if($context->folder()) {
// if a folder is specified, make sure it exists
$this->folderValidateId($user, $context->folder);
// if it does exist, add a common table expression to list it and its children so that we select from the entire subtree
$q->setCTE("folders(folder) as (SELECT ? union select id from arsse_folders join folders on parent is folder)", "int", $context->folder);
// add another CTE for the subscriptions within the folder
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id) as (SELECT feed from arsse_subscriptions join user on user is owner join folders on arsse_subscription.folder is folders.folder)");
} else {
// otherwise add a CTE for all the user's subscriptions
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id) as (SELECT feed from arsse_subscriptions join user on user is owner)");
// filter for specific article or edition
if($context->article()) $q->setWhere("arsse_article.id is ?", "int", $context->article);
if($context->edition()) $q->setWhere("arsse_article.id is (SELECT article from arsse_editions where id is ?)", "int", $context->edition);
// filter for un/read and un/starred status if specified
if($context->unread()) $q->setWhere("unread is ?", "bool", $context->unread);
if($context->starred()) $q->setWhere("starred is ?", "bool", $context->starred);
// filter based on lastmod time
if($context->modifiedSince()) $q->setWhere("modified >= ?", "datetime", $context->modifiedSince);
// push the current query onto the CTE stack and execute the query we're actually interested in
"target_articles(id, exists)", // CTE table specification
[], // CTE types
[], // CTE values
$query['body'], // new query body
$query['where'] // new query WHERE clause
$out += $this->db->prepare($q, $query['types'])->run($query['values'])->changes();
// commit the transaction
return (bool) $out;
2017-06-10 17:29:46 +00:00