# dashinit Simple, yet powerful, Nim powered templating tool. Fully configurable! ## Table of contents - [dashinit](#dashinit) - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents) - [Install using script](#install-using-script) - [Compile \& install manually](#compile--install-manually) - [Update](#update) - [Usage](#usage) - [Uninstall](#uninstall) ## Install using script Still not in usable state, instructions will follow. ## Compile & install manually To compile `dashinit`, run the following command after cloning: ```bash # build a binary nim build ``` ## Update Still not in usable state, instructions will follow. ## Usage To use niminit, run it inside the folder you'd like to initialise. Optionally, you can pass the ``-g`` flag to also create a git repository. ## Uninstall Still not in usable state, instructions will follow. --- [Back to the top](#dashinit)