Danny McCormick 78148dae50
Add auth support (#21)
* Updates

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Yarn sometimes prefers npmrc, so use same token

* Description

* Update readme

* Feedback

* Add type

* new toolkit and scoped registries

* npmrc in RUNNER_TEMP

* Dont always auth

* Try exporting blank token

* Get auth working for now pending runner changes

* Fix string interpolation for auth token.

* Don't export both userconfigs

* Update authutil.js

* Add single quotes for authString

* Fix the registry string.

* Use userconfig and append trailing slash

* Keep in root of repo

* Try just adding auth token

* Remove auth token

* Try changes again

* Add tests

* Npm and GPR samples

* Add types
2019-08-06 18:26:04 -04:00

439 lines
14 KiB

"3.2.1 Variable Expansion" :
"variables": {
"count" : ["one", "two", "three"],
"dom" : ["example", "com"],
"dub" : "me/too",
"hello" : "Hello World!",
"half" : "50%",
"var" : "value",
"who" : "fred",
"base" : "",
"path" : "/foo/bar",
"list" : ["red", "green", "blue"],
"keys" : { "semi" : ";", "dot" : ".", "comma" : ","},
"v" : "6",
"x" : "1024",
"y" : "768",
"empty" : "",
"empty_keys" : [],
"undef" : null
"testcases" : [
["{count}", "one,two,three"],
["{count*}", "one,two,three"],
["{/count}", "/one,two,three"],
["{/count*}", "/one/two/three"],
["{;count}", ";count=one,two,three"],
["{;count*}", ";count=one;count=two;count=three"],
["{?count}", "?count=one,two,three"],
["{?count*}", "?count=one&count=two&count=three"],
["{&count*}", "&count=one&count=two&count=three"]
"3.2.2 Simple String Expansion" :
"variables": {
"count" : ["one", "two", "three"],
"dom" : ["example", "com"],
"dub" : "me/too",
"hello" : "Hello World!",
"half" : "50%",
"var" : "value",
"who" : "fred",
"base" : "",
"path" : "/foo/bar",
"list" : ["red", "green", "blue"],
"keys" : { "semi" : ";", "dot" : ".", "comma" : ","},
"v" : "6",
"x" : "1024",
"y" : "768",
"empty" : "",
"empty_keys" : [],
"undef" : null
"testcases" : [
["{var}", "value"],
["{hello}", "Hello%20World%21"],
["{half}", "50%25"],
["O{empty}X", "OX"],
["O{undef}X", "OX"],
["{x,y}", "1024,768"],
["{x,hello,y}", "1024,Hello%20World%21,768"],
["?{x,empty}", "?1024,"],
["?{x,undef}", "?1024"],
["?{undef,y}", "?768"],
["{var:3}", "val"],
["{var:30}", "value"],
["{list}", "red,green,blue"],
["{list*}", "red,green,blue"],
["{keys}", [
["{keys*}", [
"3.2.3 Reserved Expansion" :
"variables": {
"count" : ["one", "two", "three"],
"dom" : ["example", "com"],
"dub" : "me/too",
"hello" : "Hello World!",
"half" : "50%",
"var" : "value",
"who" : "fred",
"base" : "",
"path" : "/foo/bar",
"list" : ["red", "green", "blue"],
"keys" : { "semi" : ";", "dot" : ".", "comma" : ","},
"v" : "6",
"x" : "1024",
"y" : "768",
"empty" : "",
"empty_keys" : [],
"undef" : null
"testcases" : [
["{+var}", "value"],
["{/var,empty}", "/value/"],
["{/var,undef}", "/value"],
["{+hello}", "Hello%20World!"],
["{+half}", "50%25"],
["{base}index", ""],
["{+base}index", ""],
["O{+empty}X", "OX"],
["O{+undef}X", "OX"],
["{+path}/here", "/foo/bar/here"],
["{+path:6}/here", "/foo/b/here"],
["here?ref={+path}", "here?ref=/foo/bar"],
["up{+path}{var}/here", "up/foo/barvalue/here"],
["{+x,hello,y}", "1024,Hello%20World!,768"],
["{+path,x}/here", "/foo/bar,1024/here"],
["{+list}", "red,green,blue"],
["{+list*}", "red,green,blue"],
["{+keys}", [
["{+keys*}", [
"3.2.4 Fragment Expansion" :
"variables": {
"count" : ["one", "two", "three"],
"dom" : ["example", "com"],
"dub" : "me/too",
"hello" : "Hello World!",
"half" : "50%",
"var" : "value",
"who" : "fred",
"base" : "",
"path" : "/foo/bar",
"list" : ["red", "green", "blue"],
"keys" : { "semi" : ";", "dot" : ".", "comma" : ","},
"v" : "6",
"x" : "1024",
"y" : "768",
"empty" : "",
"empty_keys" : [],
"undef" : null
"testcases" : [
["{#var}", "#value"],
["{#hello}", "#Hello%20World!"],
["{#half}", "#50%25"],
["foo{#empty}", "foo#"],
["foo{#undef}", "foo"],
["{#x,hello,y}", "#1024,Hello%20World!,768"],
["{#path,x}/here", "#/foo/bar,1024/here"],
["{#path:6}/here", "#/foo/b/here"],
["{#list}", "#red,green,blue"],
["{#list*}", "#red,green,blue"],
["{#keys}", [
"3.2.5 Label Expansion with Dot-Prefix" :
"variables": {
"count" : ["one", "two", "three"],
"dom" : ["example", "com"],
"dub" : "me/too",
"hello" : "Hello World!",
"half" : "50%",
"var" : "value",
"who" : "fred",
"base" : "",
"path" : "/foo/bar",
"list" : ["red", "green", "blue"],
"keys" : { "semi" : ";", "dot" : ".", "comma" : ","},
"v" : "6",
"x" : "1024",
"y" : "768",
"empty" : "",
"empty_keys" : [],
"undef" : null
"testcases" : [
["{.who}", ".fred"],
["{.who,who}", ".fred.fred"],
["{.half,who}", ".50%25.fred"],
["www{.dom*}", ""],
["X{.var}", "X.value"],
["X{.var:3}", "X.val"],
["X{.empty}", "X."],
["X{.undef}", "X"],
["X{.list}", ",green,blue"],
["X{.list*}", ""],
["{#keys}", [
["{#keys*}", [
["X{.empty_keys}", "X"],
["X{.empty_keys*}", "X"]
"3.2.6 Path Segment Expansion" :
"variables": {
"count" : ["one", "two", "three"],
"dom" : ["example", "com"],
"dub" : "me/too",
"hello" : "Hello World!",
"half" : "50%",
"var" : "value",
"who" : "fred",
"base" : "",
"path" : "/foo/bar",
"list" : ["red", "green", "blue"],
"keys" : { "semi" : ";", "dot" : ".", "comma" : ","},
"v" : "6",
"x" : "1024",
"y" : "768",
"empty" : "",
"empty_keys" : [],
"undef" : null
"testcases" : [
["{/who}", "/fred"],
["{/who,who}", "/fred/fred"],
["{/half,who}", "/50%25/fred"],
["{/who,dub}", "/fred/me%2Ftoo"],
["{/var}", "/value"],
["{/var,empty}", "/value/"],
["{/var,undef}", "/value"],
["{/var,x}/here", "/value/1024/here"],
["{/var:1,var}", "/v/value"],
["{/list}", "/red,green,blue"],
["{/list*}", "/red/green/blue"],
["{/list*,path:4}", "/red/green/blue/%2Ffoo"],
["{/keys}", [
["{/keys*}", [
"3.2.7 Path-Style Parameter Expansion" :
"variables": {
"count" : ["one", "two", "three"],
"dom" : ["example", "com"],
"dub" : "me/too",
"hello" : "Hello World!",
"half" : "50%",
"var" : "value",
"who" : "fred",
"base" : "",
"path" : "/foo/bar",
"list" : ["red", "green", "blue"],
"keys" : { "semi" : ";", "dot" : ".", "comma" : ","},
"v" : "6",
"x" : "1024",
"y" : "768",
"empty" : "",
"empty_keys" : [],
"undef" : null
"testcases" : [
["{;who}", ";who=fred"],
["{;half}", ";half=50%25"],
["{;empty}", ";empty"],
["{;hello:5}", ";hello=Hello"],
["{;v,empty,who}", ";v=6;empty;who=fred"],
["{;v,bar,who}", ";v=6;who=fred"],
["{;x,y}", ";x=1024;y=768"],
["{;x,y,empty}", ";x=1024;y=768;empty"],
["{;x,y,undef}", ";x=1024;y=768"],
["{;list}", ";list=red,green,blue"],
["{;list*}", ";list=red;list=green;list=blue"],
["{;keys}", [
["{;keys*}", [
"3.2.8 Form-Style Query Expansion" :
"variables": {
"count" : ["one", "two", "three"],
"dom" : ["example", "com"],
"dub" : "me/too",
"hello" : "Hello World!",
"half" : "50%",
"var" : "value",
"who" : "fred",
"base" : "",
"path" : "/foo/bar",
"list" : ["red", "green", "blue"],
"keys" : { "semi" : ";", "dot" : ".", "comma" : ","},
"v" : "6",
"x" : "1024",
"y" : "768",
"empty" : "",
"empty_keys" : [],
"undef" : null
"testcases" : [
["{?who}", "?who=fred"],
["{?half}", "?half=50%25"],
["{?x,y}", "?x=1024&y=768"],
["{?x,y,empty}", "?x=1024&y=768&empty="],
["{?x,y,undef}", "?x=1024&y=768"],
["{?var:3}", "?var=val"],
["{?list}", "?list=red,green,blue"],
["{?list*}", "?list=red&list=green&list=blue"],
["{?keys}", [
["{?keys*}", [
"3.2.9 Form-Style Query Continuation" :
"variables": {
"count" : ["one", "two", "three"],
"dom" : ["example", "com"],
"dub" : "me/too",
"hello" : "Hello World!",
"half" : "50%",
"var" : "value",
"who" : "fred",
"base" : "",
"path" : "/foo/bar",
"list" : ["red", "green", "blue"],
"keys" : { "semi" : ";", "dot" : ".", "comma" : ","},
"v" : "6",
"x" : "1024",
"y" : "768",
"empty" : "",
"empty_keys" : [],
"undef" : null
"testcases" : [
["{&who}", "&who=fred"],
["{&half}", "&half=50%25"],
["?fixed=yes{&x}", "?fixed=yes&x=1024"],
["{&var:3}", "&var=val"],
["{&x,y,empty}", "&x=1024&y=768&empty="],
["{&x,y,undef}", "&x=1024&y=768"],
["{&list}", "&list=red,green,blue"],
["{&list*}", "&list=red&list=green&list=blue"],
["{&keys}", [
["{&keys*}", [