import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as installer from './installer'; import * as auth from './auth'; import * as gpg from './gpg'; import * as constants from './constants'; import * as path from 'path'; async function run() { try { let version = core.getInput(constants.INPUT_VERSION); if (!version) { version = core.getInput(constants.INPUT_JAVA_VERSION, {required: true}); } const arch = core.getInput(constants.INPUT_ARCHITECTURE, {required: true}); if (!['x86', 'x64'].includes(arch)) { throw new Error(`architecture "${arch}" is not in [x86 | x64]`); } const javaPackage = core.getInput(constants.INPUT_JAVA_PACKAGE, { required: true }); const jdkFile = core.getInput(constants.INPUT_JDK_FILE, {required: false}); await installer.getJava(version, arch, jdkFile, javaPackage); const matchersPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '.github');`##[add-matcher]${path.join(matchersPath, 'java.json')}`); const id = core.getInput(constants.INPUT_SERVER_ID, {required: false}); const username = core.getInput(constants.INPUT_SERVER_USERNAME, { required: false }); const password = core.getInput(constants.INPUT_SERVER_PASSWORD, { required: false }); const gpgPrivateKey = core.getInput(constants.INPUT_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY, {required: false}) || constants.INPUT_DEFAULT_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY; const gpgPassphrase = core.getInput(constants.INPUT_GPG_PASSPHRASE, {required: false}) || (gpgPrivateKey ? constants.INPUT_DEFAULT_GPG_PASSPHRASE : undefined); if (gpgPrivateKey) { core.setSecret(gpgPrivateKey); } await auth.configAuthentication(id, username, password, gpgPassphrase); if (gpgPrivateKey) {'importing private key'); const keyFingerprint = (await gpg.importKey(gpgPrivateKey)) || ''; core.saveState( constants.STATE_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_FINGERPRINT, keyFingerprint ); } core.warning( `All setup-java actions pinned to the 'main' branch will fail on April 5th 2021. Please explicitly reference your action with the 'v1' tag ('actions/setup-java@v1') to avoid build failures. Find more details at` ); } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message); } } run();