import {MicrosoftDistributions} from '../../src/distributions/microsoft/installer'; import os from 'os'; import data from '../data/microsoft.json'; import * as httpm from '@actions/http-client'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; describe('findPackageForDownload', () => { let distribution: MicrosoftDistributions; let spyGetManifestFromRepo: jest.SpyInstance; let spyDebug: jest.SpyInstance; beforeEach(() => { distribution = new MicrosoftDistributions({ version: '', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); spyGetManifestFromRepo = jest.spyOn(httpm.HttpClient.prototype, 'getJson'); spyGetManifestFromRepo.mockReturnValue({ result: data, statusCode: 200, headers: {} }); spyDebug = jest.spyOn(core, 'debug'); spyDebug.mockImplementation(() => {}); }); it.each([ [ '21.x', '21.0.0', '{{OS_TYPE}}-x64.{{ARCHIVE_TYPE}}' ], [ '17.0.1', '17.0.1+12.1', '{{OS_TYPE}}-x64.{{ARCHIVE_TYPE}}' ], [ '17.x', '17.0.7', '{{OS_TYPE}}-x64.{{ARCHIVE_TYPE}}' ], [ '16.0.x', '16.0.2+7.1', '{{OS_TYPE}}-x64.{{ARCHIVE_TYPE}}' ], [ '11.0.13', '11.0.13+8.1', '{{OS_TYPE}}-x64.{{ARCHIVE_TYPE}}' ], [ '11.0.15', '11.0.15', '{{OS_TYPE}}-x64.{{ARCHIVE_TYPE}}' ], [ '11.x', '11.0.19', '{{OS_TYPE}}-x64.{{ARCHIVE_TYPE}}' ] ])('version is %s -> %s', async (input, expectedVersion, expectedUrl) => { const result = await distribution['findPackageForDownload'](input); expect(result.version).toBe(expectedVersion); let os: string; let archive: string; switch (process.platform) { case 'darwin': os = 'macos'; archive = 'tar.gz'; break; case 'win32': os = 'windows'; archive = 'zip'; break; default: os = process.platform.toString(); archive = 'tar.gz'; break; } const url = expectedUrl .replace('{{OS_TYPE}}', os) .replace('{{ARCHIVE_TYPE}}', archive); expect(result.url).toBe(url); }); it.each([ ['amd64', 'x64'], ['arm64', 'aarch64'] ])( 'defaults to os.arch(): %s mapped to distro arch: %s', async (osArch: string, distroArch: string) => { jest.spyOn(os, 'arch').mockReturnValue(osArch); jest.spyOn(os, 'platform').mockReturnValue('darwin'); const version = '17'; const distro = new MicrosoftDistributions({ version, architecture: '', // to get default value packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); const result = await distro['findPackageForDownload'](version); const expectedUrl = `${distroArch}.tar.gz`; expect(result.url).toBe(expectedUrl); } ); it.each([ ['amd64', 'x64'], ['arm64', 'aarch64'] ])( 'defaults to os.arch(): %s mapped to distro arch: %s', async (osArch: string, distroArch: string) => { jest.spyOn(os, 'arch').mockReturnValue(osArch); jest.spyOn(os, 'platform').mockReturnValue('linux'); const version = '17'; const distro = new MicrosoftDistributions({ version, architecture: '', // to get default value packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); const result = await distro['findPackageForDownload'](version); const expectedUrl = `${distroArch}.tar.gz`; expect(result.url).toBe(expectedUrl); } ); it.each([ ['amd64', 'x64'], ['arm64', 'aarch64'] ])( 'defaults to os.arch(): %s mapped to distro arch: %s', async (osArch: string, distroArch: string) => { jest.spyOn(os, 'arch').mockReturnValue(osArch); jest.spyOn(os, 'platform').mockReturnValue('win32'); const version = '17'; const distro = new MicrosoftDistributions({ version, architecture: '', // to get default value packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); const result = await distro['findPackageForDownload'](version); const expectedUrl = `${distroArch}.zip`; expect(result.url).toBe(expectedUrl); } ); it('should throw an error', async () => { await expect(distribution['findPackageForDownload']('8')).rejects.toThrow( /Could not find satisfied version for SemVer */ ); }); });