import {LibericaDistributions} from '../../src/distributions/liberica/installer'; import { ArchitectureOptions, LibericaVersion } from '../../src/distributions/liberica/models'; import {HttpClient} from '@actions/http-client'; import os from 'os'; import manifestData from '../data/liberica-linux.json'; describe('getAvailableVersions', () => { let spyHttpClient: jest.SpyInstance; beforeEach(() => { spyHttpClient = jest.spyOn(HttpClient.prototype, 'getJson'); spyHttpClient.mockReturnValue({ statusCode: 200, headers: {}, result: manifestData as LibericaVersion[] }); }); afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it.each([ [ { version: '11.x', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, 'bundle-type=jdk&bitness=32&arch=x86&build-type=all' ], [ { version: '11-ea', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, 'bundle-type=jdk&bitness=32&arch=x86&build-type=ea' ], [ { version: '16.0.2', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, 'bundle-type=jdk&bitness=64&arch=x86&build-type=all' ], [ { version: '16.0.2', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jre', checkLatest: false }, 'bundle-type=jre&bitness=64&arch=x86&build-type=all' ], [ { version: '8', architecture: 'armv7', packageType: 'jdk+fx', checkLatest: false }, 'bundle-type=jdk-full&bitness=32&arch=arm&build-type=all' ], [ { version: '8', architecture: 'aarch64', packageType: 'jre+fx', checkLatest: false }, 'bundle-type=jre-full&bitness=64&arch=arm&build-type=all' ] ])('build correct url for %s -> %s', async (input, urlParams) => { const additionalParams = '&installation-type=archive&fields=downloadUrl%2Cversion%2CfeatureVersion%2CinterimVersion%2C' + 'updateVersion%2CbuildVersion'; const distribution = new LibericaDistributions(input); distribution['getPlatformOption'] = () => 'linux'; const buildUrl = `${urlParams}${additionalParams}`; await distribution['getAvailableVersions'](); expect(spyHttpClient.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1); expect(spyHttpClient.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe(buildUrl); }); type DistroArch = { bitness: string; arch: string; }; it.each([ ['amd64', {bitness: '64', arch: 'x86'}], ['arm64', {bitness: '64', arch: 'arm'}] ])( 'defaults to os.arch(): %s mapped to distro arch: %s', async (osArch: string, distroArch: DistroArch) => { jest.spyOn(os, 'arch').mockReturnValue(osArch); const distribution = new LibericaDistributions({ version: '17', architecture: '', // to get default value packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); const additionalParams = '&installation-type=archive&fields=downloadUrl%2Cversion%2CfeatureVersion%2CinterimVersion%2C' + 'updateVersion%2CbuildVersion'; distribution['getPlatformOption'] = () => 'linux'; const buildUrl = `${distroArch.bitness}&arch=${distroArch.arch}&build-type=all${additionalParams}`; await distribution['getAvailableVersions'](); expect(spyHttpClient.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1); expect(spyHttpClient.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe(buildUrl); } ); it('load available versions', async () => { const distribution = new LibericaDistributions({ version: '11', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); const availableVersions = await distribution['getAvailableVersions'](); expect(availableVersions).toEqual(manifestData); }); }); describe('getArchitectureOptions', () => { it.each([ ['x86', {bitness: '32', arch: 'x86'}], ['x64', {bitness: '64', arch: 'x86'}], ['armv7', {bitness: '32', arch: 'arm'}], ['aarch64', {bitness: '64', arch: 'arm'}], ['ppc64le', {bitness: '64', arch: 'ppc'}] ] as [string, ArchitectureOptions][])( 'parse architecture %s -> %s', (input, expected) => { const distributions = new LibericaDistributions({ architecture: input, checkLatest: false, packageType: '', version: '' }); expect(distributions['getArchitectureOptions']()).toEqual(expected); } ); it.each(['armv6', 's390x'])('not support architecture %s', input => { const distributions = new LibericaDistributions({ architecture: input, checkLatest: false, packageType: '', version: '' }); expect(() => distributions['getArchitectureOptions']()).toThrow( /Architecture '\w+' is not supported\. Supported architectures: .*/ ); }); }); describe('findPackageForDownload', () => { let distribution: LibericaDistributions; beforeEach(() => { distribution = new LibericaDistributions({ version: '', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); distribution['getAvailableVersions'] = async () => manifestData; }); it.each([ ['8', '8.0.302+8'], ['11.x', '11.0.12+7'], ['8.0', '8.0.302+8'], ['11.0.x', '11.0.12+7'], ['15', '15.0.2+10'], ['15.0', '15.0.2+10'], ['15.0.0', '15.0.0+36'], ['8.0.232', '8.0.232+10'], ['8.0.232+9', '8.0.232+9'], ['15.0.2+8', '15.0.2+8'], ['15.0.2+10', '15.0.2+10'] ])('version is %s -> %s', async (input, expected) => { const result = await distribution['findPackageForDownload'](input); expect(result.version).toBe(expected); }); it('should throw an error', async () => { await expect(distribution['findPackageForDownload']('18')).rejects.toThrow( /Could not find satisfied version for semver */ ); }); }); describe('getPlatformOption', () => { const distributions = new LibericaDistributions({ architecture: 'x64', version: '11', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); it.each([ ['linux', 'linux'], ['darwin', 'macos'], ['win32', 'windows'], ['cygwin', 'windows'], ['sunos', 'solaris'] ])('os version %s -> %s', (input, expected) => { const actual = distributions['getPlatformOption'](input as NodeJS.Platform); expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); it.each(['aix', 'android', 'freebsd', 'openbsd', 'netbsd'])( 'not support os version %s', input => { expect(() => distributions['getPlatformOption'](input as NodeJS.Platform) ).toThrow(/Platform '\w+' is not supported\. Supported platforms: .+/); } ); }); describe('convertVersionToSemver', () => { const distributions = new LibericaDistributions({ architecture: 'x64', version: '11', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); it.each([ [ { featureVersion: 11, interimVersion: 0, updateVersion: 12, buildVersion: 7 }, '11.0.12+7' ], [ { featureVersion: 11, interimVersion: 0, updateVersion: 12, buildVersion: 0 }, '11.0.12' ], [ { featureVersion: 11, interimVersion: 0, updateVersion: 0, buildVersion: 13 }, '11.0.0+13' ] ])('%s -> %s', (input, expected) => { const actual = distributions['convertVersionToSemver']({ downloadUrl: '', version: '', ...input }); expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); });