import {HttpClient} from '@actions/http-client'; import {JavaInstallerOptions} from '../../src/distributions/base-models'; import {SemeruDistribution} from '../../src/distributions/semeru/installer'; import manifestData from '../data/semeru.json'; describe('getAvailableVersions', () => { let spyHttpClient: jest.SpyInstance; beforeEach(() => { spyHttpClient = jest.spyOn(HttpClient.prototype, 'getJson'); spyHttpClient.mockReturnValue({ statusCode: 200, headers: {}, result: [] }); }); afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it.each([ [ { version: '16', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, 'os=mac&architecture=x64&image_type=jdk&release_type=ga&jvm_impl=openj9&page_size=20&page=0' ], [ { version: '16', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, 'os=mac&architecture=x86&image_type=jdk&release_type=ga&jvm_impl=openj9&page_size=20&page=0' ], [ { version: '16', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jre', checkLatest: false }, 'os=mac&architecture=x64&image_type=jre&release_type=ga&jvm_impl=openj9&page_size=20&page=0' ], [ { version: '16', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, 'os=mac&architecture=x64&image_type=jdk&release_type=ga&jvm_impl=openj9&page_size=20&page=0' ] ])( 'build correct url for %s', async (installerOptions: JavaInstallerOptions, expectedParameters) => { const distribution = new SemeruDistribution(installerOptions); const baseUrl = ',100.0%5D'; const expectedUrl = `${baseUrl}?project=jdk&vendor=ibm&heap_size=normal&sort_method=DEFAULT&sort_order=DESC&${expectedParameters}`; distribution['getPlatformOption'] = () => 'mac'; await distribution['getAvailableVersions'](); expect(spyHttpClient.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1); expect(spyHttpClient.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe(expectedUrl); } ); it('load available versions', async () => { spyHttpClient = jest.spyOn(HttpClient.prototype, 'getJson'); spyHttpClient .mockReturnValueOnce({ statusCode: 200, headers: {}, result: manifestData as any }) .mockReturnValueOnce({ statusCode: 200, headers: {}, result: manifestData as any }) .mockReturnValueOnce({ statusCode: 200, headers: {}, result: [] }); const distribution = new SemeruDistribution({ version: '8', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); const availableVersions = await distribution['getAvailableVersions'](); expect(availableVersions).not.toBeNull(); expect(availableVersions.length).toBe(manifestData.length * 2); }); it.each([ ['jdk', 'Java_IBM_Semeru_jdk'], ['jre', 'Java_IBM_Semeru_jre'] ])('find right toolchain folder', (packageType: string, expected: string) => { const distribution = new SemeruDistribution({ version: '8', architecture: 'x64', packageType: packageType, checkLatest: false }); // @ts-ignore - because it is protected expect(distribution.toolcacheFolderName).toBe(expected); }); }); describe('findPackageForDownload', () => { it.each([ ['8', '8.0.322+6'], ['16', '16.0.2+7'], ['16.0', '16.0.2+7'], ['16.0.2', '16.0.2+7'], ['8.x', '8.0.322+6'], ['x', '17.0.2+8'] ])('version is resolved correctly %s -> %s', async (input, expected) => { const distribution = new SemeruDistribution({ version: '8', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); distribution['getAvailableVersions'] = async () => manifestData as any; const resolvedVersion = await distribution['findPackageForDownload'](input); expect(resolvedVersion.version).toBe(expected); }); it('version is found but binaries list is empty', async () => { const distribution = new SemeruDistribution({ version: '9.0.8', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); distribution['getAvailableVersions'] = async () => manifestData as any; await expect( distribution['findPackageForDownload']('9.0.8') ).rejects.toThrow(/Could not find satisfied version for SemVer */); }); it('version is not found', async () => { const distribution = new SemeruDistribution({ version: '7.x', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); distribution['getAvailableVersions'] = async () => manifestData as any; await expect(distribution['findPackageForDownload']('7.x')).rejects.toThrow( /Could not find satisfied version for SemVer */ ); }); it('version list is empty', async () => { const distribution = new SemeruDistribution({ version: '8', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); distribution['getAvailableVersions'] = async () => []; await expect(distribution['findPackageForDownload']('8')).rejects.toThrow( /Could not find satisfied version for SemVer */ ); }); it.each(['x64', 'x86', 'ppc64le', 'ppc64', 's390x', 'aarch64'])( 'correct Semeru `%s` architecture resolves', async (arch: string) => { const distribution = new SemeruDistribution({ version: '8', architecture: arch, packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); distribution['getAvailableVersions'] = async () => manifestData as any; const resolvedVersion = await distribution['findPackageForDownload']('8'); expect(resolvedVersion.version).not.toBeNull(); } ); it.each(['zos', 'z/OS', 'z/os', 'test0987654321=', '++=++', 'myArch'])( 'incorrect Semeru `%s` architecture throws', async (arch: string) => { const distribution = new SemeruDistribution({ version: '8', architecture: arch, packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); distribution['getAvailableVersions'] = async () => []; await expect(distribution['findPackageForDownload']('8')).rejects.toThrow( `Unsupported architecture for IBM Semeru: ${arch} for your current OS version, the following are supported: x64, x86, ppc64le, ppc64, s390x, aarch64` ); } ); it.each(['9-ea', '17-ea', '8-ea', '4-ea'])( 'early access version are illegal for Semeru (%s)', async (version: string) => { const distribution = new SemeruDistribution({ version: version, architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); distribution['getAvailableVersions'] = async () => manifestData as any; await expect( distribution['findPackageForDownload'](version) ).rejects.toThrow( 'IBM Semeru does not provide builds for early access versions' ); } ); it.each([ 'jdk+fx', 'jre+fx', 'test', 'test2', 'jdk-fx', 'javafx', 'jdk-javafx', 'ibm', ' ' ])( 'rejects incorrect `%s` Semeru package type', async (packageType: string) => { const distribution = new SemeruDistribution({ version: '8', architecture: 'x64', packageType: packageType, checkLatest: false }); distribution['getAvailableVersions'] = async () => manifestData as any; await expect(distribution['findPackageForDownload']('8')).rejects.toThrow( 'IBM Semeru only provide `jdk` and `jre` package types' ); } ); it.each(['jdk', 'jre'])( 'accepts correct `%s` Semeru package type', async (packageType: string) => { const distribution = new SemeruDistribution({ version: '8', architecture: 'x64', packageType: packageType, checkLatest: false }); distribution['getAvailableVersions'] = async () => manifestData as any; const resolvedVersion = await distribution['findPackageForDownload']('8'); await expect(resolvedVersion.version).toMatch(/8[0-9.]+/); } ); it('fails when long release name is used', async () => { expect( () => new SemeruDistribution({ version: 'jdk-16.0.2+7_openj9-0.27.1', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }) ).toThrow( "The string 'jdk-16.0.2+7_openj9-0.27.1' is not valid SemVer notation for a Java version. Please check README file for code snippets and more detailed information" ); }); });