import {HttpClient} from '@actions/http-client'; import {DragonwellDistribution} from '../../src/distributions/dragonwell/installer'; import * as utils from '../../src/util'; import manifestData from '../data/dragonwell.json'; describe('getAvailableVersions', () => { let spyHttpClient: jest.SpyInstance; let spyUtilGetDownloadArchiveExtension: jest.SpyInstance; beforeEach(() => { spyHttpClient = jest.spyOn(HttpClient.prototype, 'getJson'); spyHttpClient.mockReturnValue({ statusCode: 200, headers: {}, result: manifestData }); spyUtilGetDownloadArchiveExtension = jest.spyOn( utils, 'getDownloadArchiveExtension' ); spyUtilGetDownloadArchiveExtension.mockReturnValue('tar.gz'); }); afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); const mockPlatform = ( distribution: DragonwellDistribution, platform: string ) => { distribution['getPlatformOption'] = () => platform; const mockedExtension = platform == 'windows' ? 'zip' : 'tar.gz'; spyUtilGetDownloadArchiveExtension.mockReturnValue(mockedExtension); }; describe('getAvailableVersions', () => { it.each([ ['8', 'x86', 'linux', 0], ['8', 'aarch64', 'linux', 28], ['8.6.6', 'x64', 'linux', 31], ['8', 'x86', 'anolis', 0], ['8', 'x86', 'windows', 0], ['8', 'x86', 'mac', 0], ['11', 'x64', 'linux', 31], ['11', 'aarch64', 'linux', 28], ['17', 'riscv', 'linux', 3], ['16.0.1', 'x64', 'linux', 31], ['21', 'x64', 'linux', 31] ])( 'should get right number of available versions from JSON', async ( jdkVersion: string, arch: string, platform: string, len: number ) => { const distribution = new DragonwellDistribution({ version: jdkVersion, architecture: arch, packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); mockPlatform(distribution, platform); const availableVersions = await distribution['getAvailableVersions'](); expect(availableVersions).not.toBeNull(); expect(availableVersions.length).toBe(len); } ); }); describe('findPackageForDownload', () => { it.each([ [ '8', 'linux', 'x64', '' ], [ '8', 'linux', 'aarch64', '' ], [ '8', 'windows', 'x64', '' ], [ '8.13.14', 'linux', 'x64', '' ], [ '11', 'linux', 'x64', '' ], [ '11', 'linux', 'aarch64', '' ], [ '11', 'linux', 'riscv', '' ], [ '11', 'windows', 'x64', '' ], [ '11', 'alpine-linux', 'x64', '' ], [ '11.0.17', 'linux', 'x64', '' ], [ '17', 'linux', 'x64', '' ], [ '17', 'linux', 'aarch64', '' ], [ '17', 'windows', 'x64', '' ], [ '17', 'alpine-linux', 'x64', '' ], [ '17.0.4', 'linux', 'x64', '' ], [ '17.0.4+8', 'linux', 'x64', '' ], [ '21', 'linux', 'aarch64', '' ], [ '21.0.3+9', 'linux', 'riscv', '' ], [ '21.0.1+12', 'linux', 'x64', '' ] ])( 'should return proper link according to the specified java-version, platform and arch', async ( jdkVersion: string, platform: string, arch: string, expectedLink: string ) => { const distribution = new DragonwellDistribution({ version: jdkVersion, architecture: arch, packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); mockPlatform(distribution, platform); const availableVersion = await distribution['findPackageForDownload']( jdkVersion ); expect(availableVersion).not.toBeNull(); expect(availableVersion.url).toBe(expectedLink); } ); it.each([ ['8', 'alpine-linux', 'x64'], ['8', 'macos', 'aarch64'], ['11', 'macos', 'aarch64'], ['17', 'linux', 'riscv'] ])( 'should throw when required version of JDK cannot be found in the JSON', async (jdkVersion: string, platform: string, arch: string) => { const distribution = new DragonwellDistribution({ version: jdkVersion, architecture: arch, packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); mockPlatform(distribution, platform); await expect( distribution['findPackageForDownload'](jdkVersion) ).rejects.toThrow( `Couldn't find any satisfied version for the specified java-version: "${jdkVersion}" and architecture: "${arch}".` ); } ); it('should throw when required package type is not jdk', async () => { const jdkVersion = '17'; const arch = 'x64'; const platform = 'linux'; const distribution = new DragonwellDistribution({ version: jdkVersion, architecture: arch, packageType: 'jre', checkLatest: false }); mockPlatform(distribution, platform); await expect( distribution['findPackageForDownload'](jdkVersion) ).rejects.toThrow('Dragonwell provides only the `jdk` package type'); }); }); });