[a] fuse.js for fuzzy search
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 37 additions and 23 deletions
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"@sveltejs/adapter-node": "^1.2.4",
"@sveltejs/adapter-static": "^2.0.3",
"@sveltejs/kit": "^1.20.5",
"fuse.js": "^7.0.0",
"nprogress": "^0.2.0",
"sass": "^1.62.0",
"svelte": "^3.54.0",
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { afterUpdate, onMount } from "svelte";
import Fuse from "fuse.js"; // Import Fuse.js
import IconChevronDown from 'svelte-material-icons/ChevronDown.svelte';
import IconClose from 'svelte-material-icons/Close.svelte';
@ -12,7 +13,7 @@
let searchQueryInput = (event) => {
timeout = setTimeout(checkOverflow, 0);
timeout = setTimeout(checkOverflow, 300); // Debounced input handling
function checkOverflow() {
@ -35,6 +36,15 @@
const response = await fetch(`/assets/json/${file}`);
const data = await response.json();
mods = data;
// Create Fuse instances for fuzzy search
fuseMods = new Fuse(mods.mods, {
keys: ["name", "description"],
threshold: 0.4 // Adjust the threshold as needed
fuseOptionalMods = new Fuse(mods.optional_mods, {
keys: ["name", "description"],
threshold: 0.4 // Adjust the threshold as needed
onMount(async () => {
@ -47,22 +57,23 @@
loading = false;
function search(query, mods) {
const regex = new RegExp(query, "i");
return mods.filter(
(mod) => regex.test(mod.name) || regex.test(mod.description),
let fuseMods, fuseOptionalMods;
function search(query, mods, fuse) {
if (!query) return mods;
const results = fuse.search(query);
return results.map(result => result.item);
function clearInput() {
timeout = setTimeout(checkOverflow, 0);
searchQuery = "";
setTimeout(checkOverflow, 300); // Debounced overflow check
function handleFileChange(event) {
selectedFile = event.target.value;
fetchData(selectedFile).then(() => checkOverflow());
afterUpdate(() => {
@ -70,7 +81,7 @@
loading = false;
<div class="search-container" role="group">
@ -83,7 +94,7 @@
<div class="results-bar">
<p>Results: {search(searchQuery, mods.mods).length + search(searchQuery, mods.optional_mods).length}</p>
<p>Results: {search(searchQuery, mods.mods, fuseMods).length + search(searchQuery, mods.optional_mods, fuseOptionalMods).length}</p>
<a href="#optional-mods"><IconChevronDown size="1.2em" /> View Optional Mods</a>
@ -91,12 +102,12 @@
{#if loading}
{:else if search(searchQuery, mods.mods).length === 0 && search(searchQuery, mods.optional_mods).length === 0}
{:else if search(searchQuery, mods.mods, fuseMods).length === 0 && search(searchQuery, mods.optional_mods, fuseOptionalMods).length === 0}
<p>⚠️ No results found.</p>
<div class="grid" id="mods">
{#each Array(Math.ceil(search(searchQuery, mods.mods).length / 3)) as _, index}
{#each search(searchQuery, mods.mods).slice(index * 3, (index + 1) * 3) as mod}
{#each Array(Math.ceil(search(searchQuery, mods.mods, fuseMods).length / 3)) as _, index}
{#each search(searchQuery, mods.mods, fuseMods).slice(index * 3, (index + 1) * 3) as mod}
class="mod-card card contrast"
@ -104,7 +115,7 @@
rel="noopener noreferrer"
<img src={mod.logo} alt={mod.name + "'s Icon"} class="mod-card-logo" />
<img src={mod.logo} alt={mod.name + "'s Icon"} class="mod-card-logo" loading="lazy" />
<div class="mod-card-text-ct">
<p class="mod-card-name">{mod.name}</p>
<p class="mod-card-desc">{mod.description}</p>
@ -115,11 +126,10 @@
<details open>
<!-- svelte-ignore a11y-no-redundant-roles -->
<summary role="button" class="secondary">Optional Mods</summary>
<div class="grid" id="optional-mods">
{#each Array(Math.ceil(search(searchQuery, mods.optional_mods).length / 3)) as _, index}
{#each search(searchQuery, mods.optional_mods).slice(index * 3, (index + 1) * 3) as mod}
{#each Array(Math.ceil(search(searchQuery, mods.optional_mods, fuseOptionalMods).length / 3)) as _, index}
{#each search(searchQuery, mods.optional_mods, fuseOptionalMods).slice(index * 3, (index + 1) * 3) as mod}
class="mod-card card contrast"
@ -127,7 +137,7 @@
rel="noopener noreferrer"
<img src={mod.logo} alt={mod.name + "'s Icon"} class="mod-card-logo" />
<img src={mod.logo} alt={mod.name + "'s Icon"} class="mod-card-logo" loading="lazy" />
<div class="mod-card-text-ct">
<p class="mod-card-name">{mod.name}</p>
<p class="mod-card-desc">{mod.description}</p>
@ -164,7 +174,6 @@
width: 100%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
// text-align: right;
p {
margin: 0;
@ -180,10 +189,10 @@
.mod-card {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
// align-items: center;
padding: 0.5em 1em 0.5em 1em;
padding: 0.5em 1em;
max-height: 6em;
overflow: hidden;
transition: max-height 0.3s ease-in-out; // Smooth transition
img.mod-card-logo {
height: 4em;
@ -212,8 +221,6 @@
:global(.overflowing) {
transition: max-height 0.5s ease-in-out;
max-height: 6em;
position: relative;
&::after {
@ -226,6 +233,7 @@
right: 0em;
z-index: 1;
transition: opacity 0.25s ease-in-out;
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent, rgba(255,255,255,0.8));
&:hover {
@ -430,6 +430,11 @@ function-bind@^1.1.2:
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/function-bind/-/function-bind-1.1.2.tgz#2c02d864d97f3ea6c8830c464cbd11ab6eab7a1c"
integrity sha512-7XHNxH7qX9xG5mIwxkhumTox/MIRNcOgDrxWsMt2pAr23WHp6MrRlN7FBSFpCpr+oVO0F744iUgR82nJMfG2SA==
version "7.0.0"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/fuse.js/-/fuse.js-7.0.0.tgz#6573c9fcd4c8268e403b4fc7d7131ffcf99a9eb2"
integrity sha512-14F4hBIxqKvD4Zz/XjDc3y94mNZN6pRv3U13Udo0lNLCWRBUsrMv2xwcF/y/Z5sV6+FQW+/ow68cHpm4sunt8Q==
version "5.1.2"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/glob-parent/-/glob-parent-5.1.2.tgz#869832c58034fe68a4093c17dc15e8340d8401c4"
Reference in a new issue