/* This file uses the ".json5" file extension which allows for comments like this in a json file! Your text editor may show this file with invalid/no syntax, if so, we recommend you download: VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/ JSON5 plugin(for VSCode): https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=mrmlnc.vscode-json5 to make editing this file much easier. A region is a unique biome layout comprised of numerous biome selectors for a given type of terrain in an MC world. Biome selectors may be inlined or may call a file from "this_file_parent_directory/biome_selectors" */ { /* Appearing on terrain bordering oceans, here is the "beach_biomes" layout: [ ARID-ICY, DRY-ICY, NEUTRAL-ICY, WET-ICY, HUMID-ICY ], [ ARID-COLD, DRY-COLD, NEUTRAL-COLD, WET-COLD, HUMID-COLD ], [ ARID-NEUTRAL, DRY-NEUTRAL, NEUTRAL-NEUTRAL, WET-NEUTRAL, HUMID-NEUTRAL ], [ ARID-WARM, DRY-WARM, NEUTRAL-WARM, WET-WARM, HUMID-WARM ], [ ARID-HOT, DRY-HOT, NEUTRAL-HOT, WET-HOT, HUMID-HOT ] All keys passed in must be valid in the biome registry! "minecraft:the_void" is invalid as it represents a value of "NULL(nothing)" internally. */ "beach_biomes": "beach_biomes/beach_biomes_1", /* Appearing on terrain BELOW weirdness 0 or in unfilled("NULL(nothing)") spots in "middle_biomes_variants", here is the "middle_biomes" layout: [ ARID-ICY, DRY-ICY, NEUTRAL-ICY, WET-ICY, HUMID-ICY ], [ ARID-COLD, DRY-COLD, NEUTRAL-COLD, WET-COLD, HUMID-COLD ], [ ARID-NEUTRAL, DRY-NEUTRAL, NEUTRAL-NEUTRAL, WET-NEUTRAL, HUMID-NEUTRAL ], [ ARID-WARM, DRY-WARM, NEUTRAL-WARM, WET-WARM, HUMID-WARM ], [ ARID-HOT, DRY-HOT, NEUTRAL-HOT, WET-HOT, HUMID-HOT ] All keys passed in must be valid in the biome registry! "minecraft:the_void" is invalid as it represents a value of "NULL(nothing)" internally. */ "middle_biomes": "middle_biomes/middle_biomes_3", /* Appearing on terrain ABOVE weirdness 0, here is the "middle_biomes_variant" layout: [ ARID-ICY, DRY-ICY, NEUTRAL-ICY, WET-ICY, HUMID-ICY ], [ ARID-COLD, DRY-COLD, NEUTRAL-COLD, WET-COLD, HUMID-COLD ], [ ARID-NEUTRAL, DRY-NEUTRAL, NEUTRAL-NEUTRAL, WET-NEUTRAL, HUMID-NEUTRAL ], [ ARID-WARM, DRY-WARM, NEUTRAL-WARM, WET-WARM, HUMID-WARM ], [ ARID-HOT, DRY-HOT, NEUTRAL-HOT, WET-HOT, HUMID-HOT ] All keys passed in must be valid in the biome registry! In slots containing "minecraft:the_void", biomes at the equivalent temperature/humidity index in "middle_biomes" will be used instead. */ "middle_biomes_variant": "middle_biomes_variant/middle_biomes_variant_vanilla", /* Appearing on terrain below sea level, here is the "ocean_biomes" layout: [ DEEP-ICY, DEEP-COLD, DEEP-NEUTRAL, DEEP-WARM, DEEP-HOT ] [ SHALLOW-ICY, SHALLOW-COLD, SHALLOW-NEUTRAL, SHALLOW-WARM, SHALLOW-HOT ], All keys passed in must be valid in the biome registry! "minecraft:the_void" is invalid as it represents a value of "NULL(nothing)" internally. */ "ocean_biomes": "oceans/oceans_vanilla", /* Appearing on mountainous terrain & BELOW weirdness 0, here is the "peak_biomes" layout: [ ARID-ICY, DRY-ICY, NEUTRAL-ICY, WET-ICY, HUMID-ICY ], [ ARID-COLD, DRY-COLD, NEUTRAL-COLD, WET-COLD, HUMID-COLD ], [ ARID-NEUTRAL, DRY-NEUTRAL, NEUTRAL-NEUTRAL, WET-NEUTRAL, HUMID-NEUTRAL ], [ ARID-WARM, DRY-WARM, NEUTRAL-WARM, WET-WARM, HUMID-WARM ], [ ARID-HOT, DRY-HOT, NEUTRAL-HOT, WET-HOT, HUMID-HOT ] All keys passed in must be valid in the biome registry! "minecraft:the_void" is invalid as it represents a value of "NULL(nothing)" internally. */ "peak_biomes": "peak_biomes/peak_biomes_1", /* Appearing on mountainous terrain & ABOVE weirdness 0, here is the "peak_biome_variants" layout: [ ARID-ICY, DRY-ICY, NEUTRAL-ICY, WET-ICY, HUMID-ICY ], [ ARID-COLD, DRY-COLD, NEUTRAL-COLD, WET-COLD, HUMID-COLD ], [ ARID-NEUTRAL, DRY-NEUTRAL, NEUTRAL-NEUTRAL, WET-NEUTRAL, HUMID-NEUTRAL ], [ ARID-WARM, DRY-WARM, NEUTRAL-WARM, WET-WARM, HUMID-WARM ], [ ARID-HOT, DRY-HOT, NEUTRAL-HOT, WET-HOT, HUMID-HOT ] All keys passed in must be valid in the biome registry! In slots containing "minecraft:the_void", biomes at the equivalent temperature/humidity index in "slope_biomes" will be used instead. */ "peak_biomes_variant": "peak_biomes_variant/peak_biomes_variant_vanilla", /* Appearing on elevated flat terrain BELOW weirdness 0 or in unfilled("NULL(nothing)") spots in "plateau_biome_variants", here is the "plateau_biomes" layout: [ ARID-ICY, DRY-ICY, NEUTRAL-ICY, WET-ICY, HUMID-ICY ], [ ARID-COLD, DRY-COLD, NEUTRAL-COLD, WET-COLD, HUMID-COLD ], [ ARID-NEUTRAL, DRY-NEUTRAL, NEUTRAL-NEUTRAL, WET-NEUTRAL, HUMID-NEUTRAL ], [ ARID-WARM, DRY-WARM, NEUTRAL-WARM, WET-WARM, HUMID-WARM ], [ ARID-HOT, DRY-HOT, NEUTRAL-HOT, WET-HOT, HUMID-HOT ] All keys passed in must be valid in the biome registry! "minecraft:the_void" is invalid as it represents a value of "NULL(nothing)" internally. */ "plateau_biomes": "plateau_biomes/plateau_biomes_3", /* Appearing on elevated flat terrain ABOVE weirdness 0, here is the "plateau_biomes_variant" layout: [ ARID-ICY, DRY-ICY, NEUTRAL-ICY, WET-ICY, HUMID-ICY ], [ ARID-COLD, DRY-COLD, NEUTRAL-COLD, WET-COLD, HUMID-COLD ], [ ARID-NEUTRAL, DRY-NEUTRAL, NEUTRAL-NEUTRAL, WET-NEUTRAL, HUMID-NEUTRAL ], [ ARID-WARM, DRY-WARM, NEUTRAL-WARM, WET-WARM, HUMID-WARM ], [ ARID-HOT, DRY-HOT, NEUTRAL-HOT, WET-HOT, HUMID-HOT ] All keys passed in must be valid in the biome registry! In slots containing "minecraft:the_void", biomes at the equivalent temperature/humidity index in "plateau_biomes" will be used instead. */ "plateau_biomes_variant": "plateau_biomes_variant/plateau_biomes_variant_vanilla", /* Appearing on shattered terrain here is the "shattered_biomes" layout: [ ARID-ICY, DRY-ICY, NEUTRAL-ICY, WET-ICY, HUMID-ICY ], [ ARID-COLD, DRY-COLD, NEUTRAL-COLD, WET-COLD, HUMID-COLD ], [ ARID-NEUTRAL, DRY-NEUTRAL, NEUTRAL-NEUTRAL, WET-NEUTRAL, HUMID-NEUTRAL ], [ ARID-WARM, DRY-WARM, NEUTRAL-WARM, WET-WARM, HUMID-WARM ], [ ARID-HOT, DRY-HOT, NEUTRAL-HOT, WET-HOT, HUMID-HOT ] All keys passed in must be valid in the biome registry! In slots containing "minecraft:the_void", biomes at the equivalent temperature/humidity index in "middle_biomes" will be used instead. */ "shattered_biomes": "shattered_biomes/shattered_biomes_vanilla", "slope_biomes": "slope_biomes/slope_biomes_1", "slope_biomes_variant": "slope_biomes_variant/slope_biomes_variant_vanilla", /* Used to swap biomes not found in the biome selectors. Biomes found within the biome selectors, may not be used as the swapped "value" and biomes only from Minecraft may be used as the "key". "key" = "minecraft:biome_registry_path" "value" = "modid:new_biome_registry_path" For example: { "key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3" } */ "swapper": { "minecraft:mangrove_swamp": "byg:white_mangrove_marshes", "minecraft:swamp": "byg:bayou" }, /* The weight of this provider/region against all other providers. Higher numbers do NOT increase the provider's size. Weight "0" disables this provider and all its entries. */ "weight": 3 }