# Show the lod button in the options screen next to fov optionsButton = true _version = 1 [client] [client.advanced] # Due to some demand for playing without vanilla terrains, # we decided to add this mode for fun. # # NOTE: Do not report any issues when this mode is on! # Again, this setting is only for fun, and mod # compatibility is not guaranteed. # # lodOnlyMode = false [client.advanced.buffers] # What method should be used to upload geometry to the GPU? # # AUTO: Picks the best option based on the GPU you have. # BUFFER_STORAGE: Default for NVIDIA if OpenGL 4.5 is supported. # Fast rendering, no stuttering. # SUB_DATA: Backup option for NVIDIA. # Fast rendering but may stutter when uploading. # BUFFER_MAPPING: Slow rendering but won't stutter when uploading. Possibly the best option for integrated GPUs. # Default option for AMD/Intel. # May end up storing buffers in System memory. # Fast rendering if in GPU memory, slow if in system memory, # but won't stutter when uploading. # DATA: Fast rendering but will stutter when uploading. # Backup option for AMD/Intel. # Fast rendering but may stutter when uploading. # # If you don't see any difference when changing these settings, or the world looks corrupted: # Restart the game to clear the old buffers. # gpuUploadMethod = "AUTO" # How frequently should vertex buffers (geometry) be rebuilt and sent to the GPU? # Higher settings may cause stuttering, but will prevent holes in the world # rebuildTimes = "NORMAL" # How long should a buffer wait per Megabyte of data uploaded? # Helpful resource for frame times: https://fpstoms.com # # Longer times may reduce stuttering but will make fake chunks # transition and load slower. Change this to [0] for no timeout. # # NOTE: # Before changing this config, try changing "GPU Upload methods" # and determined the best method for your hardware first. # gpuUploadPerMegabyteInMilliseconds = 0 [client.advanced.debugging] # What renderer is active? # # DEFAULT: Default lod renderer # DEBUG: Debug testing renderer # DISABLED: Disable rendering # rendererType = "DEFAULT" # If true the F8 key can be used to cycle through the different debug modes. # and the F6 key can be used to enable and disable LOD rendering. enableDebugKeybindings = false # Should specialized colors/rendering modes be used? # # OFF: Fake chunks will be drawn with their normal colors. # SHOW_WIREFRAME: Fake chunks will be drawn as wireframes. # SHOW_DETAIL: Fake chunks color will be based on their detail level. # SHOW_DETAIL_WIREFRAME: Fake chunks color will be based on their detail level, drawn as a wireframe. # SHOW_GENMODE: Fake chunks color will be based on their distant generation mode. # SHOW_GENMODE_WIREFRAME: Fake chunks color will be based on their distant generation mode, drawn as a wireframe. # SHOW_OVERLAPPING_QUADS: Fake chunks will be drawn with total white, but overlapping quads will be drawn with red. # SHOW_OVERLAPPING_QUADS_WIREFRAME: Fake chunks will be drawn with total white, # but overlapping quads will be drawn with red, drawn as a wireframe. # debugMode = "OFF" [client.advanced.debugging.debugSwitch] # If enabled, the mod will log information about the renderer OpenGL process. # This can be useful for debugging. # logRendererGLEvent = "LOG_WARNING_TO_CHAT_AND_INFO_TO_FILE" # If enabled, the mod will log performance about the world generation process. # This can be useful for debugging. # logWorldGenPerformance = "LOG_WARNING_TO_CHAT_AND_FILE" # If enabled, the mod will log information about file sub-dimension operations. # This can be useful for debugging. # logFileSubDimEvent = "LOG_WARNING_TO_CHAT_AND_INFO_TO_FILE" # If enabled, the mod will log information about file read/write operations. # This can be useful for debugging. # logFileReadWriteEvent = "LOG_WARNING_TO_CHAT_AND_INFO_TO_FILE" # If enabled, the mod will log information about network operations. # This can be useful for debugging. # logNetworkEvent = "LOG_WARNING_TO_CHAT_AND_INFO_TO_FILE" # If enabled, the mod will log information about the renderer buffer process. # This can be useful for debugging. # logRendererBufferEvent = "LOG_WARNING_TO_CHAT_AND_INFO_TO_FILE" # If enabled, the mod will log information about the LOD generation process. # This can be useful for debugging. # logLodBuilderEvent = "LOG_WARNING_TO_CHAT_AND_INFO_TO_FILE" # If enabled, the mod will log information about the world generation process. # This can be useful for debugging. # logWorldGenEvent = "LOG_WARNING_TO_CHAT_AND_INFO_TO_FILE" # If enabled, the mod will log information about the world generation process. # This can be useful for debugging. # logWorldGenLoadEvent = "LOG_WARNING_TO_CHAT_AND_FILE" [client.advanced.threading] # How many threads are used when building vertex buffers? # (The things sent to your GPU to draw the fake chunks). # # If you experience high CPU usage when NOT generating distant # fake chunks, lower this number. A higher number will make fake # fake chunks' transition faster when moving around the world. # # This and the number of world generator threads are independent, # so if they add up to more threads than your CPU has cores, # that shouldn't cause an issue. # # The maximum value is the number of logical processors on your CPU. # numberOfBufferBuilderThreads = 2 # How many threads should be used when generating fake # chunks outside the normal render distance? # # If it's less than 1, it will be treated as a percentage # of time single thread can run before going to idle. # # If you experience stuttering when generating distant LODs, # decrease this number. If you want to increase LOD # generation speed, increase this number. # # This and the number of buffer builder threads are independent, # so if they add up to more threads than your CPU has cores, # that shouldn't cause an issue. # numberOfWorldGenerationThreads = 4.0 [client.graphics] [client.graphics.fogQuality] # What color should fog use? # # USE_WORLD_FOG_COLOR: Use the world's fog color. # USE_SKY_COLOR: Use the sky's color. # # This setting doesn't affect performance. fogColorMode = "USE_WORLD_FOG_COLOR" # At what distance should Fog be drawn on the fake chunks? # # This setting shouldn't affect performance. fogDistance = "FAR" # When should fog be drawn? # # USE_OPTIFINE_SETTING: Use whatever Fog setting Optifine is using. # If Optifine isn't installed this defaults to FOG_ENABLED. # FOG_ENABLED: Never draw fog on the LODs # FOG_DISABLED: Always draw fast fog on the LODs # # Disabling fog will improve GPU performance. fogDrawMode = "FOG_ENABLED" # If true disable Minecraft's fog. # # Experimental! Mod support is not guarantee. disableVanillaFog = true [client.graphics.fogQuality.advancedFog] # What is the maximum fog thickness? # # '0.0': No fog at all. # '1.0': Fully fog color. # farFogMax = 1.0 # Where should the far fog start? # # '0.0': Fog start at player's position. # '1.0': The fog-start's circle fit just in the lod render distance square. # '1.414': The lod render distance square fit just in the fog-start's circle. # farFogStart = 0.0 # What is the minimum fog thickness? # # '0.0': No fog at all. # '1.0': Fully fog color. # farFogMin = 0.0 # How the fog thickness should be calculated from distance? # # LINEAR: Linear based on distance (will ignore 'density') # EXPONENTIAL: 1/(e^(distance*density)) # EXPONENTIAL_SQUARED: 1/(e^((distance*density)^2) # farFogType = "EXPONENTIAL_SQUARED" # What is the fog density? # farFogDensity = 2.5 # Where should the far fog end? # # '0.0': Fog end at player's position. # '1.0': The fog-end's circle fit just in the lod render distance square. # '1.414': The lod render distance square fit just in the fog-end's circle. # farFogEnd = 1.0 [client.graphics.fogQuality.advancedFog.heightFog] # How the fog thickness should be calculated from height? # # LINEAR: Linear based on height (will ignore 'density') # EXPONENTIAL: 1/(e^(height*density)) # EXPONENTIAL_SQUARED: 1/(e^((height*density)^2) # heightFogType = "EXPONENTIAL_SQUARED" # What is the minimum fog thickness? # # '0.0': No fog at all. # '1.0': Fully fog color. # heightFogMin = 0.0 # Where should the height fog be located? # # ABOVE_CAMERA: Height fog starts from camera to the sky # BELOW_CAMERA: Height fog starts from camera to the void # ABOVE_AND_BELOW_CAMERA: Height fog starts from camera to both the sky and the void # ABOVE_SET_HEIGHT: Height fog starts from a set height to the sky # BELOW_SET_HEIGHT: Height fog starts from a set height to the void # ABOVE_AND_BELOW_SET_HEIGHT: Height fog starts from a set height to both the sky and the void # # heightFogMode = "ABOVE_AND_BELOW_CAMERA" # What is the maximum fog thickness? # # '0.0': No fog at all. # '1.0': Fully fog color. # heightFogMax = 1.0 # If the height fog is calculated around a set height, what is that height position? # # heightFogHeight = 70.0 # What is the fog density? # heightFogDensity = 2.5 # How the height should effect the fog thickness combined with the normal function? # # BASIC: No special height fog effect. Fog is calculated based on camera distance # IGNORE_HEIGHT: Ignore height completely. Fog is calculated based on horizontal distance # ADDITION: heightFog + farFog # MAX: max(heightFog, farFog) # MULTIPLY: heightFog * farFog # INVERSE_MULTIPLY: 1 - (1-heightFog) * (1-farFog) # LIMITED_ADDITION: farFog + max(farFog, heightFog) # MULTIPLY_ADDITION: farFog + farFog * heightFog # INVERSE_MULTIPLY_ADDITION: farFog + 1 - (1-heightFog) * (1-farFog) # AVERAGE: farFog*0.5 + heightFog*0.5 # # Note that for 'BASIC' mode and 'IGNORE_HEIGHT' mode, fog settings for height fog has no effect. # heightFogMixMode = "BASIC" # How far the start of height fog should offset? # # '0.0': Fog start with no offset. # '1.0': Fog start with offset of the entire world's height. (Include depth) # heightFogStart = 0.0 # How far the end of height fog should offset? # # '0.0': Fog end with no offset. # '1.0': Fog end with offset of the entire world's height. (Include depth) # heightFogEnd = 1.0 [client.graphics.advancedGraphics] # If on Vanilla Overdraw mode of NEVER, how much should should the border be offset? # # '1': The start of lods will be shifted inwards by 1 chunk, causing 1 chunk of overdraw. # '-1': The start fo lods will be shifted outwards by 1 chunk, causing 1 chunk of gap. # # This setting can be used to deal with gaps due to our vanilla rendered chunk # detection not being perfect. # overdrawOffset = 0 # How bright fake chunk colors are. # # 0 = black # 1 = normal # 2 = near white # brightnessMultiplier = 1.0 # How often should LODs be drawn on top of regular chunks? # HALF and ALWAYS will prevent holes in the world, # but may look odd for transparent blocks or in caves. # # NEVER: # LODs won't render on top of vanilla chunks. Use Overdraw offset to change the border offset. # DYNAMIC: # LODs will render on top of distant vanilla chunks to hide delayed loading. # Will dynamically decide the border offset based on vanilla render distance. # ALWAYS: # LODs will render on all vanilla chunks preventing all holes in the world. # # This setting shouldn't affect performance. # vanillaOverdraw = "DYNAMIC" # Will prevent some overdraw issues, but may cause nearby fake chunks to render incorrectly # especially when in/near an ocean. # # This setting shouldn't affect performance. # useExtendedNearClipPlane = true # If enabled caves will be culled # # NOTE: This feature is under development and # it is VERY experimental! Please don't report # any issues related to this feature. # # Additional Info: Currently this cull all faces # with skylight value of 0 in dimensions that # does not have a ceiling. # enableCaveCulling = true # At what Y value should cave culling start? # caveCullingHeight = 40 # If false fake chunks behind the player's camera # aren't drawn, increasing GPU performance. # # If true all LODs are drawn, even those behind # the player's camera, decreasing GPU performance. # # Disable this if you see LODs disappearing at the corners of your vision. # disableDirectionalCulling = false # How saturated fake chunk colors are. # # 0 = black and white # 1 = normal # 2 = very saturated # saturationMultiplier = 1.0 # This is the earth size ratio when applying the curvature shader effect. # # NOTE: This feature is just for fun and is VERY experimental! #Please don't report any issues related to this feature. # # 0 = flat/disabled # 1 = 1 to 1 (6,371,000 blocks) # 100 = 1 to 100 (63,710 blocks) # 10000 = 1 to 10000 (637.1 blocks) # # NOTE: Due to current limitations, the min value is 50 # and the max value is 5000. Any values outside this range # will be set to 0(disabled). earthCurveRatio = 0 [client.graphics.quality] # This determines how lod level drop off will be done. # # SMOOTH_DROPOFF: # The lod level is calculated for each point, making the drop off a smooth circle. # PERFORMANCE_FOCUSED: # One detail level for an entire region. Minimize CPU usage and # improve terrain refresh delay, especially for high Lod render distance. # AUTO: # Use SMOOTH_DROPOFF for less then 128 Lod render distance, # or PERFORMANCE_FOCUSED otherwise. # dropoffQuality = "AUTO" # This indicates how quickly fake chunks decrease in quality the further away they are. # Higher settings will render higher quality fake chunks farther away, # but will increase memory and GPU usage. horizontalQuality = "MEDIUM" # This indicates how quickly fake chunks decrease in quality the further away they are. # Higher settings will render higher quality fake chunks farther away, # but will increase memory and GPU usage. horizontalScale = 12 # This is the same as vanilla Biome Blending settings for Lod area. # Note that anything other than '0' will greatly effect Lod building time # and increase triangle count. The cost on chunk generation speed is also # quite large if set too high. # # '0' equals to Vanilla Biome Blending of '1x1' or 'OFF', # '1' equals to Vanilla Biome Blending of '3x3', # '2' equals to Vanilla Biome Blending of '5x5'... # lodBiomeBlending = 1 # The radius of the mod's render distance. (measured in chunks) # lodChunkRenderDistance = 128 # This indicates how detailed fake chunks will represent # overhangs, caves, floating islands, ect. # Higher options will make the world more accurate, but will increase memory and GPU usage. # # LOW: uses at max 2 columns per position. # MEDIUM: uses at max 4 columns per position. # HIGH: uses at max 8 columns per position. # # Lowest Quality: LOW Highest Quality: HIGH verticalQuality = "MEDIUM" # What is the maximum detail fake chunks should be drawn at? # This setting will only affect closer chunks. # Higher settings will increase memory and GPU usage. # # CHUNK: render 1 LOD for each Chunk. # HALF_CHUNK: render 4 LODs for each Chunk. # FOUR_BLOCKS: render 16 LODs for each Chunk. # TWO_BLOCKS: render 64 LODs for each Chunk. # BLOCK: render 256 LODs for each Chunk (width of one block). # # Lowest Quality: CHUNK Highest Quality: BLOCK drawResolution = "BLOCK" [client.worldGenerator] # In what priority should fake chunks be generated outside the vanilla render distance? # # FAR_FIRST # Fake chunks are generated from lowest to highest detail # with a priority for far away regions. # This fills in the world fastest, but you will have large low detail # blocks for a while while the generation happens. # # NEAR_FIRST # Fake chunks are generated around the player # in a spiral, similar to vanilla minecraft. # Best used when on a server since we can't generate # fake chunks. # # BALANCED # A mix between NEAR_FIRSTandFAR_FIRST. # First prioritise completing nearby highest detail chunks, # then focus on filling in the low detail areas away from the player. # # AUTO # Uses BALANCED when on a single player world # and NEAR_FIRST when connected to a server. # # This shouldn't affect performance. generationPriority = "NEAR_FIRST" # How should block and sky lights be processed for distant generation? # # Note that this include already existing chunks since vanilla # does not store sky light values to save file. # # FAST: Use height map to fake the light values. # FANCY: Use actaul light engines to generate proper values. # # This will effect generation speed, but not the rendering performance. lightGenerationMode = "FANCY" distanceGenerationMode = "FEATURES" # When generating fake chunks, what blocks should be ignored? # Ignored blocks don't affect the height of the fake chunk, but might affect the color. # So using BOTH will prevent snow covered blocks from appearing one block too tall, # but will still show the snow's color. # # NONE: Use all blocks when generating fake chunks # NON_FULL: Only use full blocks when generating fake chunks (ignores slabs, lanterns, torches, tall grass, etc.) # NO_COLLISION: Only use solid blocks when generating fake chunks (ignores tall grass, torches, etc.) # BOTH: Only use full solid blocks when generating fake chunks # # This wont't affect performance. blocksToAvoid = "BOTH" # Whether to enable Distant chunks generator? # # Turning this on allows Distant Horizons to make lods for chunks # that are outside of vanilla view distance. # # Note that in server, distant generation is always off. # enableDistantGeneration = true [client.multiplayer] # When matching worlds of the same dimension type the # tested chunks must be at least this percent the same # in order to be considered the same world. # # Note: If you use portals to enter a dimension at two # different locations this system may think it is two different worlds. # # 1.0 (100%) the chunks must be identical. # 0.5 (50%) the chunks must be half the same. # 0.0 (0%) disables multi-dimension support, # only one world will be used per dimension. # # multiDimensionRequiredSimilarity = 0.0 # What multiplayer save folders should be named. # # AUTO: NAME_IP for LAN connections, NAME_IP_PORT for all others. # NAME_ONLY: Example: "Minecraft Server" # NAME_IP: Example: "Minecraft Server IP" # NAME_IP_PORT: Example: "Minecraft Server IP" # # serverFolderNameMode = "AUTO"