{ "clientOnlyMode": false, // Whether players can pick up items by clicking them. This also affects the keybind "rightClickPickup": true, // Whether players can throw items farther than normal by holding down the drop key "itemThrowing": true, // Whether the Item Filter should be loaded "itemFilterEnabled": true, // Whether items that have damage modifiers should also deal damage when thrown "itemsActAsProjectiles": true, // Whether players should be able to pick up items like normal "autoPickup": true, // Whether Interactic should override Minecraft's default item rendering with a more fancy version. Highly recommended "fancyItemRendering": true, // Whether Interactic should render the tooltips of items under the crosshair "renderItemTooltips": true, // Whether Interactic should render the full tooltip of items "renderFullTooltip": true, // Whether your arms should swing when dropping items "swingArm": true }