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Should every world have its own backup folder?
"perWorldBackup": true,
Time between automatic backups in seconds
When set to 0 backups will not be performed automatically
"backupInterval": 3600,
Delay in seconds between typing-in /backup restore and it actually starting
"restoreDelay": 30,
Should backups be done even if there are no players?
"doBackupsOnEmptyServer": false,
Should backup be made on server shutdown?
"shutdownBackup": true,
Should world be backed up before restoring a backup?
"backupOldWorlds": true,
A path to the backup folder
"path": "backup/",
This setting allows you to exclude files form being backed-up.
Be very careful when setting it, as it is easy corrupt your world!
"fileBlacklist": [],
Should backups be deleted after being restored?
"deleteOldBackupAfterRestore": true,
Maximum number of backups to keep. If set to 0 then no backup will be deleted based their amount
"backupsToKeep": 8,
Maximum age of backups to keep in seconds.
If set to 0 then backups will not be deleted based their age
"maxAge": 0,
Maximum size of backup folder in kibi bytes (1024).
If set to 0 then backups will not be deleted
"maxSize": 10485760,
Compression level
0 - 9
Only affects zip compression.
"compression": 7,
Limit how many cores can be used for compression.
0 means that all available cores will be used
"compressionCoreCountLimit": 0,
Available formats are:
ZIP - normal zip archive using standard deflate compression
GZIP - tar.gz using gzip compression
TAR - .tar with no compression
"format": "GZIP",
Minimal permission level required to run commands
"permissionLevel": 4,
Player on singleplayer is always allowed to run command. Warning! On lan party everyone will be allowed to run it.
"alwaysSingleplayerAllowed": true,
Players allowed to run backup commands without sufficient permission level
"playerWhitelist": [],
Players banned from running backup commands besides their sufficient permission level
"playerBlacklist": [],
Announce to ALL players when backup starts
"broadcastBackupStart": true,
Announce to ALL players when backup finishes
"broadcastBackupDone": true,
Format of date&time used to name backup files.
Remember not to use '#' symbol or any other character that is not allowed by your operating system such as:
':', '\', etc...
For more info:
"dateTimeFormat": "yyyy.MM.dd_HH-mm-ss",
The Strict mode (default) aborts backup creation in case of any problem and deletes created files
Permissible mode keeps partial/damaged backup but won't allow to restore it
Very Permissible mode will skip the verification process. THIS MOST CERTAINLY WILL LEAD TO DATA LOSS OR CORRUPTION
"integrityVerificationMode": "STRICT"