# If you would like to specify manual borders, add a new manual_borders section at the bottom of the file. # The format for each color of border is 'color = ["modid:item1", "modid:item2"]"]'. Replace the color with either a color name (like red or blue), or a RGB / ARGB hex color code like 0xFFFFFF or 0xFF00FFFF. # Here is a sample you can copy / paste and edit as needed: #[client.options.manual_borders] # red = ["minecraft:torch", "minecraft:stick"] [client] [client.options] # If the hotbar should display item borders. hotbar = true # If item borders should show for common items. show_for_common = false # If the borders should have square corners. square_corners = true # If the borders should fully envelop item slots (otherwise they will only show on the bottom portion of the slot). full_border = false # If the borders draw over items instead of under. over_items = false # If the borders should have a more prominent glow. extra_glow = false # If automatic borders (based on item rarity) should be enabled. auto_borders = true # If enabled and Legendary Tooltips is installed, borders will sync with tooltip border colors. legendary_tooltips_sync = false